
Two Companies Collaborate to Study the Use of Nuclear Energy for Space Exploration

Two Companies Collaborate to Study the Use of Nuclear Energy for Space Exploration

A new research contract has been signed between the UK Space Agency and Rolls-Royce Defence, under which space scientists will work together to explore the potential of nuclear energy as an abundant power source to make deep space exploration possible in the coming decades.

One area of research will focus on nuclear propulsion, which may involve directing energy emitted by nuclear fission to accelerate fuel production, such as hydrogen, and launching spacecraft at high speeds. Furthermore, scientists believe that nuclear propulsion has the potential to revolutionize space travel, with some estimates suggesting that nuclear propulsion engines could be twice as efficient as the chemical engines currently used in rockets. Some researchers also believe that spacecraft utilizing this type of nuclear engine could reach Mars in just 3 to 4 months, nearly doubling the speed of modern rockets. They also think that space nuclear energy could create remarkable new jobs and benefits across the UK.

British Science Minister Amanda Solloway reportedly stated that she believes nuclear energy offers transformative possibilities for space exploration, and that this study in partnership with the esteemed Rolls-Royce Defence could help send the next generation of astronauts into space to carry out their missions faster and for longer durations. Dr. Graham Turnock, CEO of the UK Space Agency, says that using nuclear-powered propulsion engines in space is a game-changing concept, with the potential to launch future deep space exploration missions to Mars and beyond.

It is noteworthy that this nuclear propulsion technology is significant because it not only saves time in conducting deep space missions but also significantly reduces the amount of radiation exposure for astronauts. Radiation exposure in deep space is a major concern for astronauts, and the new propulsion system is also crucial for exploring the outer solar system, where sunlight may become too faint for solar panels to provide the necessary power for spacecraft during their journeys.

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