
4 Ways to Recharge the Body's Energy

4 Ways to Recharge the Body's Energy

The British newspaper Mirror presented four measures to restore optimal energy levels in the body.


Nutritionist Ian Marber states: "In practice, every nutrient plays a role in energy production, so it is important to know which nutrients to consume for sufficient energy." Energy production is complex, but mitochondrial elements are the right place to start when discussing it, as they are found in every cell in the body and play a pivotal role in energy production.

To get enough nutrients, you can add a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt and blueberries to your breakfast, and include a serving of beans, or carrots, broccoli, and peas at dinner instead of just one serving of vegetables.


Some daily physical activity can elevate energy levels. A mix of weight training and aerobic exercises such as running, dancing, or tennis can produce adenosine triphosphate in the mitochondria, and exercising can increase the number of mitochondria.

**Sleep Quality**

Sleep is the foundation of energy during the day. According to experts, nighttime awakenings disrupt the natural sleep rhythm, impair attention, and mood. High-quality sleep means sleeping through the night with a maximum of one awakening.

Exposure to natural light for a few minutes after waking up helps promote good sleep. According to Andrew Huberman, associate professor of neuroscience and ophthalmology at Stanford University, if sunlight reaches the eyes shortly after waking, it triggers a neural circuit that controls the timing of cortisol and melatonin hormones, which affect sleep.

**Stress Management**

Stress is a natural part of daily life, and experts suggest that excessive stress depletes energy and creates tension.

To reduce stress, one can engage in exercise and relaxation, spend enjoyable time with family and friends, take regular vacations, and ensure adequate rest.

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