
Washington Thanks Saudi Arabia for the Release of Two Americans from Sana'a and Their Transfer to Riyadh

Washington Thanks Saudi Arabia for the Release of Two Americans from Sana'a and Their Transfer to Riyadh

The Saudi Ministry of Defense announced early Thursday the successful liberation of two American citizens through a special security operation after they were detained and mistreated in Sana'a, which is under Houthi control. They have been transferred to Riyadh. Washington expressed gratitude to Saudi Arabia, as stated by the spokesperson for the U.S. State Department in brief remarks made to "Asharq Al-Awsat."

Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki, the official spokesperson for the Saudi Ministry of Defense, noted that this operation extends the strong partnership within the framework of military cooperation and joint security coordination between the governments of the Kingdom and the United States. He stated that the two American girls were rescued from detention in the capital Sana'a, under Houthi control, and were transported to the interim capital, Aden, and then to Riyadh.

General Al-Maliki explained that the two American girls were detained and subjected to mistreatment in the capital Sana'a during a family visit, and their passports were confiscated. At the request of the United States, and through a special security operation, the girls were liberated and moved from Sana'a to Aden. He added that the girls were flown from Aden to Riyadh by the Royal Saudi Air Force, where they received necessary medical care immediately upon arrival, before being handed over to American officials waiting to receive them.

The U.S. State Department spokesperson expressed the gratitude of the United States to Saudi Arabia for facilitating the departure of the citizens from an area under Houthi control in Yemen. He told "Asharq Al-Awsat": "We appreciate our partners in the Saudi and Yemeni governments for helping to ensure their safe departure." He also mentioned: "We helped secure the departure of the citizens," reminding that "the welfare and safety of U.S. citizens abroad are top priorities for the U.S. State Department."

According to the Saudi Ministry of Defense statement, General Al-Maliki emphasized that the coordination of this joint operation between the Kingdom and the United States to evacuate American nationals from Yemen exemplifies the robustness of bilateral relations. He added that the operation is a continuation of military cooperation and joint security coordination to serve mutual interests and achieve national security for both countries. This cooperation also forms part of security and intelligence efforts to combat terrorist organizations in Yemen, such as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and ISIS, as well as the Houthi militias, which have been designated a terrorist group under UN Security Council Resolution No. (2624).

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