
## Clash Between the Presidents: No Government Soon!

## Clash Between the Presidents: No Government Soon!

The Eid truce has ended, and the reactions to the governmental crisis have not culminated and will not conclude before the end of what remains of the Aounian mandate. The stubbornness between Baabda and the Serail has begun to move beyond its usual political framework, gradually transforming into a clash between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister-designate, with each side insisting on their positions regarding the formation of the new government.

The issue has shifted from seeking the most suitable composition to mitigate the ongoing declines, to a problem of a political team wanting to impose its political and ministerial choices on the Lebanese people, clinging to the Ministry of Energy, which has led to the collapse of electricity under the hands of its ministers, plunging the country into complete darkness—a precedent not known since Lebanon entered the era of electricity and light.

The difference in perspectives between the two presidents quickly turned into a near-boycott, with their meeting schedules diverging, and public exchanges of accusations between the Prime Minister-designate and the team of the President of the Republic about obstruction and delays exacerbating matters, tilting the balance in favor of those betting on the continuation of the caretaker government until the end of the mandate.

The political system's parties have become accustomed to adopting policies of obstruction, procrastination, and delay in forming governments for extended periods, in a recurring game of conflict that arises whenever a government is formed and ministerial portfolios are distributed—between sovereign and service-oriented portfolios, and between major and ordinary ministries—until inspiration comes from abroad or internal deals are struck to pave the way for a government birth.

However, the deterioration of financial, economic, and social conditions, alongside escalating bankruptcy, and other surrounding factors, do not permit such traditional maneuvers, delaying decision-making for critical months, and leaving the country not merely in a state of stagnation, but also allowing the chasms of decline to remain open to the worst possibilities.

Nevertheless, officials feel no embarrassment regarding further collapses, prolonging darkness, worsening bread shortages, and increasing the dollar prices to new record heights! Are our rulers of the human kind... or are they of other categories?

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