Arab World

Five Mutual Conditions Between Ankara and Damascus for Normalization and Opening Communication Channels

Five Mutual Conditions Between Ankara and Damascus for Normalization and Opening Communication Channels

Turkish media reported on five mutual demands between Ankara and Damascus to reopen communication channels and normalize relations between the two countries. According to a newspaper article titled "Five Demands Set by Assad," based on unnamed sources, the Syrian government has proposed five demands that Ankara must fulfill in order to reopen communication channels between the two sides, summarized as follows:

1. Return the Idlib province to the management of Damascus.

2. Transfer the customs of the Kasp border crossing, along with the Gilvegozu "Bab al-Hawa" crossing, to the control of the Syrian army and government, in addition to the full control of the Syrian government over the commercial route (M4) linking eastern Syria, Deir ez-Zor, al-Hasakah, Aleppo, and Latakia.

3. Turkey must not support European and American sanctions against pro-Assad businessmen and companies supporting the Assad family and the Syrian government.

4. Discuss the support required from Turkey for Syria’s re-acceptance into the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and similar international institutions and organizations that have been suspended.

5. Fulfill Turkey's offer for cooperation in combating terrorism and restore Syrian oil to the Syrian government, while Turkey continues its support for Syria in the fields of dams, highways, electricity, educational institutions, water, and agriculture.

### Turkey's Demands

The newspaper also published five demands identified by Ankara for the resumption of contact with Syria:

1. The cleansing of government-controlled areas from elements of the PKK/YPG completely.

2. The total elimination of the terrorist threat on the Turkish-Syrian border.

3. The complete continuation of political and military integration processes between the opposition and Damascus, along with the safe return of refugees.

4. Ankara demands that Homs, Damascus, and Aleppo be experimental areas for a safe and dignified return in the initial phase, and then expand this framework, with Turkey monitoring the safe return of Syrians and the practices applied to them even after their return and resettlement.

5. The implementation of the Geneva process, drafting a democratic constitution, conducting free elections, and the immediate release of political prisoners, especially women, children, the elderly, and those with poor health conditions.

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