
Marriages and Birth Rates Decline: The Golden Cage is No Longer Golden!

Marriages and Birth Rates Decline: The Golden Cage is No Longer Golden!

A large number of Lebanese people are trapped beneath the poverty line due to the compounded crises we are facing economically, financially, and socially, making the thought of starting a family impossible for many, while the dream of motherhood and fatherhood remains out of reach. The birth rate has noticeably declined from 2019 to 2022, as couples now think several times before starting a family.

A report by "ESCWA" revealed that the multidimensional poverty rate doubled from 42% in 2019 to 82% in 2021, with about 4 million people suffering from multidimensional poverty, representing nearly one million families, or 77% of Lebanese households.

In this context, researcher Mohammad Shamseddine from the International Information Center confirmed, via MTV, that the birth rate in Lebanon has significantly declined due to the accumulation of living crises and the burdens carried by citizens daily.

Shamseddine stated, "The number of births in 2019 was 86,584, which decreased in 2020 to 74,049, continuing to drop in 2021 to approximately 68,180." He added, "This means that the number decreased between 2019 and 2021 by 18,454, a reduction of about 21%, which is a very large percentage in such a short period." He noted, "The annual birth rate used to be between 86,000 to 90,000, but dropped to around 68,000 in 2021," anticipating further declines in 2022 as numbers for that year have not yet been clarified.

Shamseddine pointed out that the decline is certainly a result of the economic, financial, and living crisis, along with a noticeable drop in the marriage rate. He indicated that the situation in 2019 was somewhat stable and the rates were acceptable; however, after the significant collapse, the figures fell by 21%, a high percentage.

The decline in marriage and birth rates is merely a consequence of the crisis Lebanon is experiencing, and there are concerns that if the crisis continues, it could lead to more catastrophic economic and social outcomes.

We can only say to the "adventurers" who are getting married this summer, "Congratulations... and may you have prosperity and children."

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