Arab World

Abbas: Israel's Closure of Palestinian Institutions is Unacceptable

Abbas: Israel's Closure of Palestinian Institutions is Unacceptable

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stated on Saturday that Israel's closure of several Palestinian civil society organizations is rejected and will not be accepted at all. During a meeting at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah with a delegation of representatives from civil society organizations, Abbas emphasized that these human rights institutions "will continue their work in exposing the occupation and its crimes against Palestinians, as these institutions operate according to Palestinian law."

He added, "We must all unite and confront this Israeli policy that insists on moving forward with unilateral actions, ignoring all the signed agreements between the two sides and violating international law." He further stated, "We will not accept the continuation of this Israeli policy, and we will take a stand to protect the rights of our people in light of the international silence regarding the ongoing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, their sanctities, and their land."

Abbas noted, "There are intensive communications with relevant parties to stop these Israeli provocations against institutions that operate in accordance with international law and human rights." He thanked the "international consensus condemning these attacks, but what is needed is practical international action to stop these aggressive Israeli practices."

For their part, representatives of these organizations confirmed that "the Israeli decision will not deter them from working to document the crimes of the occupation against Palestinians, and they will continue their efforts to reveal the ongoing Israeli crimes to the world." They also affirmed "coordination among Palestinian official institutions and civil society organizations to confront these Israeli decisions that disregard all rules of international law and human rights," according to "Wafa."

On Thursday, the Israeli army closed seven Palestinian civil institutions after raiding their headquarters in the city of Ramallah and seizing their property. The organizations include "Addameer for Prisoners and Human Rights," "Al-Haq," "Bisan Center for Research and Development," "Women's Committees Union," "Health Work Committees," "Agricultural Work Committees," and "The World Movement for the Defense of Children - Palestine Branch."

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