
Food Containers Removal from Beirut Port Begins

Food Containers Removal from Beirut Port Begins

The Syndicate of Food Importers, headed by Hani Bahsali, announced that "based on the communications and follow-ups undertaken by the syndicate with the caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Minister of Economy and Trade Amin Salam, and General Director of the Ministry of Economy Mohammad Abu Haydar, the relevant official departments have started taking samples from about 500 containers (according to information from the Ministry of Economy) filled with food products and piled up in the port's yards, in preparation for completing the procedures to remove them and hand them over to their owners. The process of taking samples from the remaining containers, totaling 300, will be completed soon."

The syndicate expressed its gratitude to everyone who contributed to reaching this solution, especially President Mikati, Minister Salam, and Abu Haydar. It emphasized in a statement that "removing food containers from the port's grounds at this time is extremely important, especially as it will enable traders to supply the local market with all its needs on the eve of the Eid al-Adha holiday and prevent any shortages of goods."

The syndicate also extended its greetings to the Lebanese people for Eid al-Adha, wishing that "the coming days be better for everyone and for our beloved country Lebanon."

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