
Circular from Minister Hmeidi for the Removal of Advertisements on Public Properties

Circular from Minister Hmeidi for the Removal of Advertisements on Public Properties

The Minister of Public Works and Transport in the caretaker government, Ali Hmeidi, issued a circular regarding the removal of all advertisements placed on public properties belonging to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport in violation of regulations, and to reorganize the licensing process for them. He requested relevant authorities to assist in its implementation.

The text of the circular states:

"Remove all advertisements placed on public properties belonging to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport that are in violation of regulations.

Reorganize the licensing process in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 1302 dated 15/1/2015.

In order to ensure the proper and regular operation of work,

Considering that Decree No. 1302 dated 15/1/2015 stated in Article Two how to designate locations for placing advertisements (locations pertaining to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport) as follows:

3-2 Inside export stations...

12-2 Inside ports and airports after the approval of the competent authority...

14-2 Outside the minimum setback from the asphalt of the roads...

15-2 On traffic islands and sides of roads...

16-2 On bridges designated for vehicle passage and pedestrian bridges...

Furthermore, Article Four prohibited the placing of advertisements and billboards of all kinds in the following places:

4-4 On lighting and electricity poles...

5-4 Above bridges and at the entrances and exits of tunnels...

6-4 On city and village name boards...

7-4 On traffic signs...

9-4 On road dividers and walls and inside roundabouts.

Moreover, Section Two of Decree 1302/2015 established the licensing mechanism concerning the application for licenses, their study, issuance, and renewal.

After the ministry found that all advertisements placed on properties owned by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport are violating the provisions of Decree 1302/2015 either:

- In terms of placement in prohibited locations.

- In terms of placement in violation of the conditions and criteria of the decree.

- In terms of placement of advertisements after the expiration of the granted licenses.

- In terms of failing to obtain the required licenses altogether.

Therefore, to ensure the proper and regular operation of work and to secure the public interest, all advertisements placed on properties owned by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport as outlined above and in violation of the provisions of Decree 1302/2015, as previously stated, are deemed canceled and in violation of the licensing procedures:

A- Owners of billboards not in possession of approval from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and not licensed by the municipality:

They must immediately remove them at their own expense and responsibility, and municipalities, each within its jurisdiction and scope, will assist in the removal process.

B- Owners of billboards who do not have the approval of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport but are licensed by the municipality:

These owners will be given a two-month period to submit an application to the ministry and await its study and approval regarding the occupation of the requested space. In the event that they do not obtain the ministry's approval, they must immediately remove their billboards at their own expense and responsibility.

C- Those wishing to obtain approval from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport:

Those wishing to obtain the ministry's approval must submit their applications according to the conditions, specifications, and mechanisms set out in Decree No. 1302/2015 to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to take the necessary legal actions.

It is noted that violations of the provisions of this circular expose all violators to the penalties prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.

The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities is requested to be informed and to circulate to all concerned parties to adhere to the contents of the above circular, as well as to the General Directorate of Roads and Buildings for examination and follow-up according to the regulations and compliance with the above circular."

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