Israel Approves Plan to Respond to Rockets

On Monday evening, the Israeli Security Cabinet approved a broad operational plan to respond to rocket attacks by Hamas, should they continue. Senior political sources told Israel's Public Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) that the cabinet authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to decide on a strong response if Hamas continues to launch rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory. Since last Friday evening, 40 rockets have been launched from the Gaza Strip toward Israel, coinciding with clashes between Palestinians and Israelis in Jerusalem.

Additionally, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz called for an end to the violence emanating from Gaza, stating on Twitter that he had expressed during a conversation with UN Special Envoy Tor Wennesland the urgent need for an immediate cessation of violence from Gaza while affirming Israel’s steadfast commitment to protecting its citizens and sovereignty. According to a report from the news site "Walla," Israel has given Wennesland an "ultimatum" to Hamas, threatening strong retaliation if further rocket attacks occur. The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced a complete closure of fishing off the Gaza coast until further notice in response to the rocket attacks.

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