
Meeting of Zahle Deputies... This Is What They Agreed Upon

Meeting of Zahle Deputies... This Is What They Agreed Upon

Deputies George Akis, George Bouchikian, Salim Aoun, Elias Stefan, and Bilal Hashimi met at the municipal building in Zahle for their second regular meeting. Deputies Michel Daher and Rami Abou Hamdan sent their apologies for not attending. The agenda included discussions on the following points:

- A presentation by Engineer Zahib regarding the municipal needs of Zahle that require legislative and administrative follow-up from the deputies.

- Challenges related to the coming phase concerning the Electric Company of Zahle (EDZ), presented by a delegation from the company led by Engineer Assad Nakad.

- Based on a letter submitted by the mayor of Ain Kfarzabad, the issue of securing water for Ain Kfarzabad village and its surroundings was raised.

- The issue of renting a building for the Lebanese University, Faculty of Sciences - Zahle Branch, with branch director Dr. Eli Msaad was addressed.

- A request from the management of Al-Harawi Government Hospital to set a date for discussing the installation of solar energy and all hospital-related issues in light of current challenges.

At the end of the meeting, the attendees agreed on the following:

1. Support for Zahle's suspended municipal demands and setting a date with the Council for Development and Reconstruction as soon as possible to address problems and prepare the legislative framework as needed. Key issues include: completing the Arab highway connection with the Ksar roundabout, sewage problems, lighting the external highway, establishing a pedestrian bridge to ensure student crossing, managing waste from Syrian refugee camps, updating municipal fee laws, and allowing employment at the municipal level.

2. The deputies listened to an explanation of the current situation from the head of the Board of Directors of the Electric Company of Zahle. They agreed to continue discussions to reach the best possible solution within available resources before the contract ends at the end of the year, hoping for fundamental solutions from the state that benefit the residents of the district, especially concerning the adoption of support for renewable energy projects.

3. The deputies urged the Bekaa Water Authority to monitor violations occurring in the network in the villages east of Zahle and called for the security agencies to follow up on the necessary legal procedures related to this.

4. They agreed to adhere to the legal contract signed with the lessor regarding the Lebanese University building file and to carry out a supportive visit to the Faculty of Sciences, Zahle Branch, in the coming days with the aim of signing a memorandum of understanding with the Association of Industrialists to secure jobs for graduates. The university president was contacted to provide opportunities for the meeting to support the continuity of university services in the Zahle district.

The meeting provides deputies' contact number for Zahle residents to follow up on their affairs and reviews: 0096170262929.

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