
Title: New York Times: Russia Requested Military and Economic Assistance from China for Ukraine Invasion

Title: New York Times: Russia Requested Military and Economic Assistance from China for Ukraine Invasion

The New York Times reported on Sunday that Russia has requested economic and military assistance from China to wage war in Ukraine and evade Western sanctions, while Washington has warned Beijing against aiding Moscow. The American newspaper quoted unnamed officials stating that Russia has asked China to supply military equipment for the war and economic assistance to help it overcome international sanctions. These officials did not specify the exact nature of the requested assistance or whether China had responded. A spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Washington told several media outlets, "I have never heard of this."

This information comes as a high-level American delegation is set to meet a senior Chinese official in Rome on Monday, as announced by the White House, which warned Beijing that it would face "severe consequences" if it assisted Russia in evading sanctions imposed in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is discussing "ongoing efforts to manage the competition between our two countries and the implications of the Russian war against Ukraine for regional and global security" with Yang Jiechi, the chief diplomat of the Chinese Communist Party, according to a statement released by U.S. National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne on Sunday. Beijing has repeatedly refused to condemn the Russian invasion and has stated that "NATO's eastward expansion" is the reason for heightened tensions between Russia and Ukraine, thereby reiterating the prominent security justification cited by the Kremlin.

Sullivan indicated through various television channels on Sunday that the White House "is closely monitoring" whether China is providing material or economic support to Russia to help mitigate the impact of sanctions. He stated on CNN, "It's a concern for us, and we have told Beijing that we will not stand by idly or allow any nation to compensate Russia for the losses it has incurred due to economic sanctions." He noted that while he does not wish to issue "threats" to China, "we are communicating the message directly and behind the scenes to Beijing that efforts to avoid sanctions on a large scale will certainly have consequences."

For its part, Beijing mentioned last week that its friendship with Russia remains "solid" despite international condemnation of Moscow and expressed its readiness to mediate efforts to help end the war.

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