
Health Updates on Artist Hadi Elgyar After His Condition Deteriorates

Health Updates on Artist Hadi Elgyar After His Condition Deteriorates

Artist Fattouh Ahmed revealed the health updates of artist Hadi Elgyar after he was transferred to intensive care and his condition worsened following an infection with the novel coronavirus. Especially since he is suffering from a lack of oxygen, his condition required him to be placed on artificial ventilators.

Fattouh Ahmed stated in a phone call with the program "Al-Masaa Ma'a Quswa," aired on the "Ten" channel, that Hadi Elgyar had recently undergone heart surgery. A few days later, he felt what seemed to be a usual cold and went to check on his health, only to find out that he was infected with the coronavirus. Fattouh added that Hadi was among the most committed people to following preventive measures. However, due to his health circumstances, he became infected, urging everyone to adhere strictly and not to be negligent regarding this matter.

It is noted that Hadi is participating in the series "El Ikhtiyar 2," starring a group of renowned actors including Karim Abdel Aziz, Iyad Nassar, Engy El Mohandess, Ahmed Mekky, Asmaa Abu El Yazid, Mohamed Alaa, Islam Gamal, and Ahmed Shaker Abdel Latif.

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