
Israeli Prime Minister Meets with Putin in Moscow and Contacts Zelensky

Israeli Prime Minister Meets with Putin in Moscow and Contacts Zelensky

The spokesperson for the Israeli Prime Minister stated that Naftali Bennett met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin to discuss the Ukraine crisis, and later spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. An Israeli official indicated that Bennett is coordinating his efforts in this crisis with the United States, France, and Germany.

The spokesperson said that after his meeting with Putin, the Prime Minister headed to Berlin to hold talks with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The Élysée Palace stated that French President Emmanuel Macron spoke to Bennett before he traveled to Moscow to inform him about the content of his previous discussions with Putin. An official from the Élysée noted, "They will remain in communication to reach a ceasefire, coordinating with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz."

Israel has offered to mediate in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine at Zelensky's request, although officials have previously downplayed expectations for a breakthrough. The Israeli official mentioned that Bennett also raised the issue of the large Jewish community trapped in the war in Ukraine during their three-hour meeting in the Kremlin.

The Israeli Ministry of Health announced that Israel will send medical teams to Ukraine this week to establish a field hospital providing treatment for refugees. While Israel, a close ally of the United States, has condemned Russia's military actions and expressed solidarity with Kyiv, providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine, it stated that it will maintain its communications with Moscow in hopes of helping to ease the crisis.

Bennett and Putin also discussed ongoing negotiations among global powers, including Russia and Iran, concerning the revival of the 2015 nuclear agreement. The spokesperson for the Israeli Prime Minister stated that Bennett, a religious Jew, took the flight to Russia in violation of the Sabbath holiday law, as Judaism permits such actions when the goal is to preserve human life. He was accompanied by the Ukrainian-born Minister of Housing Ze'ev Elkin, who previously served as a translator for former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his talks with Putin.

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