
Mournful Ceremony for the Father of the Director-General of the General Security in Kawtheriyat Al-Sayyad

Mournful Ceremony for the Father of the Director-General of the General Security in Kawtheriyat Al-Sayyad

The residents of Kawtheriyat Al-Sayyad town held a solemn funeral for the late Mr. Kazem Mohammed Ibrahim (the former president of the Federation of Bakery Owners), father of the Director-General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, who passed away yesterday afternoon.

The prayer over his body was led by the town's Imam, Mr. Hassan Ibrahim, along with Mr. Kazem Ibrahim. He was then laid to rest in the town's cemetery.

Attending the funeral were the Minister of Interior and Municipalities in the caretaker government, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, representing President Michel Aoun and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati; MP Hani Qabaisi, representing the Speaker of the Parliament Nabih Berri; the first team commander of the Iraqi army, Mohammed Al-Badi, representing Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi; President Hassan Diab; the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants in the caretaker government, Abdullah Bou Habib; the head of the Liaison and Coordination Unit of Hezbollah, Wafiq Safa, representing Hezbollah's Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah; the Commander of UNIFIL, General Arnaldo Lazaro; and the Ambassador of Palestine, Ashraf Dabbour.

Also present were the Head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, MP Mohammed Raad; MP Ghassan Attallah, representing the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil; and MPs Michel Moussa, Ali Khreis, Ayoub Hamid, Qasim Hashem, Ali Asiran, Jihad Al-Samad, Qablan Qablan, and former ministers Ramzi Musharrafieh, Mohammed Shaqir, Mohammed Fahmy, Wiam Wahhab, and Ghazi Wazni. Former MPs included Mustafa Hussein, Emile Rahme, Nader Sukkar, Assad Haradan, and Ali Bizi.

The Southern Region Commander of the Army, Brigadier Roger Halou, was present representing Army Commander General Joseph Aoun, along with Brigadier Hussein Khashfa representing the Director-General of the Internal Security Forces, Major General Imad Osman, and Brigadier Bilal Al-Hajjar representing the Southern Region of the Internal Security Forces, along with a delegation of prominent individuals, security officers, municipal and social leaders, as well as residents of neighboring villages and delegations from various regions.

Father Abdo Bou Kassem, Director of the Catholic Media Center, conveyed the condolences of Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi to Major General Ibrahim and the family.

Also attending to offer condolences were: Vice President of the Higher Shiite Islamic Council, the Grand Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Qablan; Qatari Ambassador Ibrahim bin Abdulaziz Al-Sahlawi; the Director-General for the Presidency of the Republic, Dr. Antoine Shuqair with a delegation; a delegation representing the Secretary-General of the Cabinet, Judge Mahmoud Makiyeh; the Secretary-General of the Future Movement, Ahmad Hariri; Mufti Sheikh Abbas Zghib; Sheikh Fouad Khreis, representing scholar Sayyed Ali Fadlallah; Sheikh Hussein Ghabris, representing the Gathering of Muslim Scholars; Secretary-General of the International Resistance Scholars Assembly, Sheikh Maher Hamoud, with a delegation; the public prosecutor, Judge Ali Ibrahim; former Director-General of the Internal Security Forces, Major General Ibrahim Bassbous; and member of the executive council of the International Federation of Journalists, Ali Youssef; Ms. Rabab Al-Sadr Sharaf Al-Din; the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Diyar newspaper, Charles Ayyoub; and the publisher of Al-Safir newspaper, Talal Salman.

Fathi Abu Al-Ardat, Secretary of the Fatah Movement, attended with a delegation, along with Dr. Ahmad Abdelhadi, representing Hamas in Lebanon, and Ali Faisal, representing the Democratic Front in Lebanon.

Major General Ibrahim also received a condolence call from the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.

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