Arab World

Hero of the Last Meters: "Uncle Ali" Captures the Hearts of Moroccans

Hero of the Last Meters:

One of the participants in the rescue operation for young Rayan in Morocco has received widespread attention and praise in recent days due to his commitment to contributing his extensive expertise in the field of drilling, regardless of the looming dangers, all while being in his sixties.

According to media reports in Morocco, the man is known as "Uncle Ali the Sahrawi," hailing from the southeastern region of the country. "Uncle Ali" has amassed decades of experience in well digging, making him one of the most skilled individuals in handling soil extraction and performing required tasks safely in such circumstances.

His turn came during the horizontal drilling operation aimed at reaching five-year-old Rayan, who fell into a narrow well to a depth of over thirty meters. Uncle Ali received widespread acclaim on social media, with admiration for his eagerness to travel to the northern part of the country to assist in Rayan's rescue. Commentators noted that although "Uncle Ali" did not graduate from major universities or institutes, he is a well-respected figure in drilling techniques, which encouraged others to seek his expertise to help bring Rayan out safely.

**A Complex Operation**

Attempts to rescue Rayan began at the onset of the crisis, with people skilled in what is known as spelunking attempting to descend. However, the narrowness of the well prevented them from reaching the trapped child. Rayan fell to a depth exceeding 30 meters, while volunteers could not go deeper than 20 meters; this setback shifted the rescue efforts to an alternative plan.

Under the adopted plan, rescue teams established a large hole parallel to where Rayan fell, and once they reached the corresponding depth, they began horizontal drilling. However, concerns about soil collapses drove the rescue teams to employ supports, pipes, and wide cylinders to protect the rescuers while also ensuring Rayan's safe extraction.

The operation to rescue Rayan is being closely followed in Morocco and abroad, with large crowds gathering around the incident site, amidst calls for people to disperse to allow workers to focus on their efforts. A helicopter remains stationed at the site, equipped with necessary resuscitation equipment to transport Rayan to the hospital as soon as rescuers manage to bring him out.

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