
Economic Bodies Raise Their Voice: The Country Is Dying

Economic Bodies Raise Their Voice: The Country Is Dying

The economic bodies, after a meeting chaired by their president, former minister Mohammad Chaker, today at the Beirut and Mount Lebanon Chamber, issued a call directed to the Lebanese political forces, which stated the following: The economic bodies congratulate the Lebanese people on the completion of the parliamentary elections, which are considered a significant achievement for Lebanon and the Lebanese, as they solidified the historical national constants represented by democracy, freedom, and identity. The elections also demonstrated the ability of the Lebanese to bring about change and to transfer power, which are among the most important pillars of democratic governance in the country.

Now that the elections are over, the economic bodies emphasize a set of constants, the most important of which are:

First: It is unacceptable, in any form, to continue the prevailing political work pattern that has existed for many years, particularly regarding disputes, conflicts, scoring points, and achieving gains at the expense of the nation. This approach has destroyed all capabilities and potentials of Lebanon and the Lebanese, and it threatens to ruin what remains and plunge Lebanon into the unknown.

Second: What is required now, in this extremely dangerous and tragic phase, is for everyone to come together in a national stand around a comprehensive rescue project that returns Lebanon to the path of recovery and revival.

Third: Reviving the country requires implementing a reliable and fair economic and financial recovery plan, but this is contingent on the existence of capable management and a pure national political will, without which existing plans and programs will not be effective.

The message from the economic bodies is singular: the elections are over, those who won have won, and it is time for everyone's focus to be on working for the victory of Lebanon and its people.

Therefore, it is urgently required of everyone to swiftly proceed to accomplish constitutional obligations by electing the Speaker of the Parliament, the bureau, and the committees, forming the new government without any delay, and agreeing on the necessary rescue decisions, procedures, and programs, far from populism or even the idea of linking steps and decisions to personal interests.

The economic bodies express their deep concern and fear regarding the rapid collapses on all levels and, in this regard, raise their voice loudly, warning that the country is dying, and the people are suffering from horrors and tragedies. The direction Lebanon will take in the coming days is in the hands of the political forces, either leading to a safe shore or facing the collapse of the entity.

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