
Announcement of the Beatification of Capuchin Fathers Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh with the Presence of the Pope's Representative

Announcement of the Beatification of Capuchin Fathers Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh with the Presence of the Pope's Representative

A grand celebratory Mass took place in the external courtyard of the Cross Monastery in Jal el-Dib, Qnaia, during which the beatification of the venerable martyr fathers Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh, both Capuchins from the town of B'abdat in Metn, was announced. The event was attended by the President of the Republic, represented by Minister of Tourism Walid Nassar, Speaker of the House Nabih Berri represented by MP Hagop Pakradounian, and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, represented by Minister of Youth and Sports George Klas. Also present were retired General George Shreim representing the Minister of Defense, Deputy Elias Hankash representing the leader of the Lebanese Forces Samy Gemayel, Deputy Razih al-Hajj, Captain Rana Asfour representing the Director-General of General Security, former Deputy Ghassan Mukhayber, various political, official, party, and spiritual figures, and a large crowd of believers from different Lebanese regions.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the Pope's representative and Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, along with Papal Nuncio José Spiteri, the General Minister of the Capuchin Order Roberto Genuini, Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate Cesare Asayan, Cardinal Mario Grech, and many representatives of Christian denominations, along with a number of Archbishops and religious leaders, priests, monks, and nuns, alongside a large number of believers from various Lebanese regions. The choir of Our Lady of Louiza, conducted by Father Khalil Rahma, served the Mass.

Photos of the beatified along with papal and Lebanese flags adorned the courtyard and the roads leading to the monastery, accompanied by banners with congratulatory and faith messages.

At the beginning of the Mass, the Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate, Bishop Cesare Asayan, read the Apostolic Letter containing the decree of beatification signed by Pope Francis on April 18th, stating: "We, in response to the wish of our brother Cesare Asayan, honorary Bishop of Marriot, Apostolic Administrator of Beirut, and many believers, having consulted the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, by our apostolic authority, declare that the Servants of God Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh, martyr priests recognized by the Order of the Lesser Brothers Capuchin, who boldly preached the Gospel of Jesus until their blood was shed, are henceforth to be called Blessed, to be celebrated on their feast day according to the norms set forth by law on June 10th of each year."

A brief biography of the beatified was recounted by Brother Carlo Caluni from the Capuchin Order in the Vatican for the beatification cases in French, while his deputy, Brother Tony Haddad, presented it in Arabic. Following this, the curtain was lifted to reveal the images adopted by the Church amid applause.

After the reading of the Holy Gospel, Cardinal Semeraro delivered a homily titled "Seeking Justice for the Poor and Weak is Holiness," emphasizing the following: "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me" (John 7:37). He explained that the call of Jesus is for those who are thirsty—specifically, for those who seek justice. He remarked on the ongoing thirst for justice in the world, highlighting the suffering caused by injustice.

Cardinal Semeraro continued, speaking about the nature of desire, emphasizing that all people are created with desires stemming from their divine Creator. He invited reflection on the lives of the Lebanese Capuchin fathers Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh who were recently beatified as martyrs.

He defined martyrs as those who suffer for Christ and described the horrors experienced by the beatified during the late Ottoman Empire. Cardinal Semeraro noted their decision to remain in their mission despite the risks posed in a time marked by violence toward Christians, ultimately leading to their martyrdom in 1915.

He emphasized that while they were victims from a human perspective, they are victorious from a Christian faith standpoint, illustrating the spiritual strength they embodied in the face of adversity. He quoted Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on the necessity of having witnesses, or martyrs, to demonstrate how to prioritize truth over comfort.

He concluded his homily with a prayer asking God to keep the faithful united with Him and for the intercession of the blessed martyrs.

The Mass concluded with remarks from the General Minister of the Capuchin Order Abdullah el-Nofaily, expressing gratitude to all who attended and contributed to the success of the beatification Mass.

Ahead of the celebratory liturgy, Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi stated that the beatification of fathers Léonard el-Melki and Touma Saleh restores glory to Lebanon lost by politicians and others who have lost faith, asserting that one cannot live without God. He expressed confidence that the Lebanese who have passed will not abandon their homeland and called for a revival of faith among the people to overcome difficulties, emphasizing that this celebration symbolizes hope for Lebanon, indicating that the path to glory passes through pain and that it is essential to unite one's sorrows with the martyrs.

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