Iran Comments on Putin's Decision

The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Saeed Khatibzadeh, commented on the recent developments in Ukraine, affirming that "Tehran is following the issues related to this country with sensitivity." The Foreign Ministry spokesperson stated, "The Islamic Republic of Iran calls on all parties to exercise restraint and believes it is necessary to avoid any action that would escalate tensions." Khatibzadeh urged all parties to "work towards resolving differences through dialogue and within a peaceful framework," adding, "NATO's interventions and provocative actions led by the United States have further complicated the situation in the region."

This comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed two decrees on Monday recognizing the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics from Ukraine amid a continuing military-political crisis in the Donbas region since 2014. In a speech given for this occasion, Putin stated that "the situation in Donbas has become acute and dangerous again," considering that the people of the region are facing "genocide" by "the nationalist regime in Kyiv that seized power due to the 2014 coup," accusing it of repeatedly confirming its intention not to adhere to the Minsk agreements for a diplomatic resolution of the conflict. This move has faced widespread criticism from Western countries, which deemed it a violation of international law and Ukrainian sovereignty, stating that Russia is preparing for an "imminent invasion of Ukrainian territory."

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