
Biden: We Stand with the Cuban People in Their Call for Freedom

Biden: We Stand with the Cuban People in Their Call for Freedom

U.S. President Joe Biden stated on Monday that his country supports the Cuban people's call for freedom, relief from the COVID-19 pandemic, and an end to decades of repression. This was mentioned in a statement issued by the American president today, according to Reuters. Thousands of angry Cubans took to the streets on Sunday, from the capital Havana to Santiago, protesting against the economic crisis the country has been experiencing for months, the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and what they described as government negligence. Commenting on these developments, Biden said, "The Cuban people courageously affirm that basic and universal rights, including the right to peaceful protest and the right to freely determine their future, must be respected." He added, "The United States calls on the Cuban regime to listen to its people and meet their needs at this important moment instead of enriching itself." Earlier, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that Washington "supports freedom of expression and assembly throughout Cuba and strongly condemns any violence or harassment against peaceful protesters."

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