
Illegal Migration Intensifies from Northern Lebanon Towards European Shores

Illegal Migration Intensifies from Northern Lebanon Towards European Shores

The illegal migration by boat from the shores of Northern Lebanon to European countries continues at a high rate, as reported by locals and close observers of the situation. The drowning incident of a boat near the shores of Tripoli on April 23, where about 40 people lost their lives, did not deter hundreds who continue to risk their lives and the lives of their children.

Recently, it was reported that a military force entered the Al-Abda port in Akkar (Northern Lebanon) with the support of naval forces, detaining a fishing boat suspected of preparing to transport illegal passengers by sea.

Additionally, the army announced two days ago that its forces arrested a citizen in the Saki al-Badawi area while he was preparing for an illegal smuggling operation by sea, mentioning the seizure of a Kalashnikov rifle, 4,000 liters of diesel, 100 life jackets, 16 cork floaters, and 46 inflatable tires, along with two electric blowers, which were in his and others’ possession.

Omar Ibrahim, an activist and media figure in Northern Lebanon, told "Asharq Al-Awsat" that the boat sinking in April did not stop illegal migration, which continues significantly. He pointed out that “one of the youths from Akkar recently placed a sign on a rock that read (Al-Abda – Trips to Greece – Italy – Cyprus – Spain). Although this was done in jest, it is a clear indication that migration continues at a high pace.”

Ibrahim added in a statement to "Asharq Al-Awsat" that “in the past two days, two smuggling attempts have been thwarted; the first in Saki al-Badawi and the other in Akkar, alongside the registration of two boats leaving the Al-Abda port.” He noted, “We no longer know about the trips until the boats carrying Lebanese reach their destinations in Europe. As for the Syrians, no one knows their numbers or the number of boats transporting them from Northern Lebanon, which are undoubtedly significant. About a week ago, a boat left the Baddawi camp with 50 Palestinians on board who shared their photos after arriving at the shores of Italy.”

Ibrahim views that “either there is difficulty in controlling the illegal migration movement by the relevant security apparatuses, or there is no intent to do so. Lebanon might be adopting Turkey's approach to blackmail Europeans into providing funds for the displaced and alleviating pressure on the Lebanese state.”

Meanwhile, Tripoli politician Dr. Khaldoun Sharif believes that “the pressing economic and financial situation is driving people to cross the sea to leave Lebanon, which is experiencing its worst economic crisis since World War II.” He pointed out that “the unemployment rate exceeds 50% and drug use surpasses 13%, plus, according to the latest reports, the angriest people in the world are in Lebanon, leading to despair among the populace, while political leaders continue their squabbles as if nothing has changed.”

Sharif excludes the possibility that the Lebanese state is playing the card of legitimizing its maritime borders for those wishing to migrate illegally, clarifying that it is currently exerting pressure through “the Syrian refugees, who in turn are placing enormous pressure on the economy and infrastructure in Lebanon.”

Amidst all this, Amin Dandesh, a father who lost his three children in the boat sinking two months ago, is not surprised by the continued migration attempts by sea despite the tragedy that befell Tripoli recently. He considers that “the hunger and impoverishment experienced in our areas from Tripoli to Akkar, given that all materials and services are priced in dollars while salaries are in Lebanese pounds, along with lacking medical care, compel people to seek the sea.”

Dandesh added to "Asharq Al-Awsat": “The movement will remain upward as long as the state is completely absent from our region. Our borders with Syria and Israel include a disaster area more afflicted than we are and an enemy, respectively. Therefore, the impoverished citizen has no option but the sea to risk securing a decent life for his children.”

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