
Daily Showering Weakens the Immune System

Daily Showering Weakens the Immune System

Many people shower daily to rid themselves of dirt and sweat and to feel energized and refreshed for work. However, a new study warns that frequent showering can weaken the immune system. According to research conducted by scientists in the United States, over-cleaning the body can damage the microbiome, which is a collection of bacteria and microbes living inside or on your body.

The microbiome is a part of the immune system and helps to protect it, and by damaging the microbiome through excessive showering, a person may become more susceptible to illnesses. However, while the study stated that excessive showering had a negative impact, it did not suggest how often a person should shower to maintain a balance between staying refreshed and being exposed to infectious bacteria.

In addition to weakening immunity, daily showering can also harm the skin. According to dermatologist Lucy Chen, the correct number of showers per week should be two to three, a surprising figure for those who either shower every day or consider regular exercise a fundamental part of their routine.

The dermatologist explains that showering once a day can be harmful to the skin because it can strip essential oils and dry out your skin. Additionally, over-showering can lead to dandruff on the scalp and dry hair. Besides recommending showering only two to three times a week, Dr. Chen suggested that these showers should last only 5 to 10 minutes.

While showering in hot water is a preferred option, especially during the winter, it may not be the healthiest way to shower. Some have found that showering in cold water strengthens the immune system and aids in muscle recovery. This doesn’t mean that one must shower in cold water every day, but it is a potential option with health benefits, according to the British newspaper Express.

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