
What is the Reason Behind Jumblatt's High Tone?

What is the Reason Behind Jumblatt's High Tone?

Sources from the Progressive Socialist Party stated to "Asharq Al-Awsat" that the "high tone" expressed by party leader Walid Jumblatt against the attempt to "dominate" the mountain was targeting the Syrian regime and "Hezbollah" in favor of Iran. They confirmed that "the mountain remains resistant to them despite their breakthroughs on the Christian and Sunni fronts." Jumblatt, during an electoral meeting on Saturday evening, addressed the Druze sheikhs in Samqaniyeh, Shouf, saying: "Today, on the brink of another assassination through elections, I address you, the white turbans, the turbans of wisdom, unity, reason, and faith, the turbans of nobility, pride, and dignity, to jointly repel the assault as you did in Jabal al-Arab and as you have done in every battle of the mountain, through the ballot boxes, to prevent infiltration and subjugation."

The sources added that "it is evident that the plan attempted by the Syrian regime to impose on Lebanon in 1976 through the assassination of the party's founder Kamel Jumblatt in an attempt to subjugate him is being repeated today through a new guardianship in favor of Iran, consolidating Lebanon as a bargaining chip in Iranian negotiations and turning Lebanon into an open arena for exploitation by warring international parties."

The sources told "Asharq Al-Awsat" that this reveals a scheme for the assassination of Lebanon, not just the mountain, but regarding the symbolism of the mountain, and from a covenant perspective, the party has only the Druze community left to complete its project to encircle the Lebanese arena, especially regarding what Jumblatt represents for Lebanon. They clarified that "Hezbollah" has an allied Christian bloc that provides "the covenant cover," while it "aims to obtain Sunni deputies after the void left by Hariri's withdrawal and the Future Movement from candidacy; it only has attempts to infiltrate the Druze to achieve covenant representation," pointing out that "this community has always been resistant, and it is trying to achieve breakthroughs within it."

Jumblatt criticized on Saturday evening those "who seek to confiscate the Lebanese national decision in favor of the axis of resistance, the axis of destruction, and the axis of forgery," stating: "In every location from the mountain to the south, passing through the region, Bekaa, and Beirut, our fighters in the national movement have fallen in the struggle against Israel." He questioned: "Shall I remind the talkers of independence and sovereignty of how Kamel Jumblatt single-handedly confronted the army of guardianship, the Syrian occupation army, and its agents in Bhamdoun, who later killed him?"

He reminded, "We did not spare any internal or external effort at that time; we had Arab and international rounds, just as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the Soviet Union had distinguished stances with the Druze and Arab nationalists in Lebanon. In this context, we will not forget the political and social role of the martyred Rafik Hariri with the Arab identity of Lebanon and the people of the mountain and the downfall of (17 May)," referring to the agreement with Israel during the era of former President Amin Gemayel.

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