
What Eating Half a Liter of Ice Cream Does to the Human Body

What Eating Half a Liter of Ice Cream Does to the Human Body

Some people feel anxious about consuming half a liter of ice cream due to its fat and calorie content. In this context, the website Eat This Not That consulted nutrition experts about whether eating a full half-liter of ice cream is harmful to health, and the answer was no, as long as it doesn't become a dietary habit. Ice cream is full of fats, sugars, and calories, and indulging in this habit can lead to some undesirable outcomes. Experts report that there are positives and negatives to eating ice cream, as follows:

1. **Increased Risk of Obesity**

Nutritionist Edwina Clark states that "a half-liter of ice cream contains up to 1000 calories, which is more than half of some people's daily intake," meaning that if a person maintains the habit of consuming this amount, they may be at significant risk of weight gain.

2. **Blood Sugar Levels**

Many believe that half a liter of ice cream is enough to raise blood sugar levels, but the surprise is that this amount is not considered excessive, according to Melissa Joy Dobbins, a nutritionist. She explains that "any time food is consumed, blood sugar will rise." Unless a person is diabetic or suffers from reactive hypoglycemia, blood sugar levels should remain normal.

3. **Controlled Blood Pressure**

Dobbins also mentions that "dairy products contain calcium, potassium, and magnesium, which are three important minerals for controlling blood pressure."

4. **Belly Fat**

At the same time, Clark warns that ice cream is a carbohydrate-rich food, and consuming too many refined carbohydrates leads to fat deposition in the belly. A half-liter can contain about 120 grams of carbohydrates; while carbohydrates are a significant energy source, it is likely that they will not be immediately used or consumed. Dobbins clarifies that any carbohydrates not utilized by the body are stored as fat on top of the fat content already present in the ice cream.

5. **Increased Feeling of Happiness**

Clark notes that "there is a type of satisfaction when indulging in the passion for ice cream," due to its carbohydrate content, which can lead to a slight increase in serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for improving mood.

6. **Muscle Building**

There is some truth that the sugars from ice cream can help boost muscle building and prevent protein breakdown due to the high insulin spike it causes. Nutrition expert Jay Cardillo states that "ice cream can be beneficial even two hours after exercise."

7. **Bone Strengthening**

Since ice cream is already a dairy product, it contains a good amount of nutrients, including calcium. When calcium is available alongside phosphorus, as in ice cream, it can help strengthen bones.

8. **Risk of Heart Disease**

A half-liter of ice cream contains about 40 grams of saturated fat. Clark mentions, “After consuming half a liter of ice cream, the body is likely to experience a sudden spike in triglycerides and cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease, especially when combined with other risk factors such as high blood pressure and overweight."

9. **Brain Fog**

The risks of consuming ice cream are not limited to just weight gain. Results from a comprehensive scientific review published in the journal Nutrients found that saturated fats and sugar-rich diets can impair cognitive skills and memory. Clark states that just one cup of ice cream contains about 10 grams of saturated fat that can cause artery blockage and 28 grams of sugar; thus, consuming a whole half-liter will lead to excessive added sugar intake, potentially causing drowsiness after consumption.

10. **Bloating and Indigestion**

With any flavorful meal, a person may start to feel a little sluggish. However, if they think they will enjoy a quiet and comfortable sleep, they are completely mistaken. Since ice cream has a high-fat content, which "takes longer to digest, often causing bloating and indigestion that interferes with proper comfort at night."

11. **Addiction**

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who frequently consumed ice cream enjoyed it less over time. Scientists concluded that ice cream alters the brain's reward center, making its consumption less pleasurable and sending a signal to eat more to achieve the same euphoric feeling.

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