
Hamade: Those Who Wish to Stay in the Mini-State Will Meet the Same Fate as Previous Mini-States That Fell

Hamade: Those Who Wish to Stay in the Mini-State Will Meet the Same Fate as Previous Mini-States That Fell

The battle for sovereignty has been ignited with the closure of ballot boxes to reclaim the decision-making power of the state, and it will not stop. It indicates that the sovereign and reformist forces brought forth by the Lebanese people, who suffer greatly, will not yield or surrender to the dominance of arms or the tone of threats and intimidation directed at them and their voters.

Marwan Hamadeh, a deputy from the Progressive Socialist Party in the Chouf - Aley district, told "Al-Liwaa": "This parliament and its new sovereign and reformist components are facing the biggest challenge. On one hand, restoring Lebanon's sovereignty and asserting state authority, activating its administration, reviving the judiciary, and ensuring its legitimate security. On the other hand, launching necessary reforms with the dynamic of reformist forces through a practical and strategic alliance aimed at saving Lebanon."

In response to a question about whether current circumstances differ from when he resigned from the parliament following the Beirut Port explosion, Hamadeh said: "When I decided to resign from the parliament, the majority was under the influence of Hezbollah. However, things have changed now, and thank God Hezbollah has at least lost the numerical majority, although it still possesses its weapons and mentality of dominance. Nevertheless, things have changed significantly through this vote and its results."

In response to what deputies Raad and Fadlallah said, Hamadeh stated: "Threats are nothing new; we have endured individual assassinations of national figures and the collective assassination of the State of Lebanon. But this will not frighten us in the past, nor will it frighten us in the future."

He added: "Today we are determined, with a democratic and positive spirit, to embrace anyone who returns to the embrace of the State of Lebanon. As for those who wish to remain in the mini-state, their fate will be the same as the previous mini-states in Lebanon that all fell one after the other."

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