Arab World

Cardinal Bechara: Lebanon's Salvation Lies in Addressing Its Issues Independently

Cardinal Bechara: Lebanon's Salvation Lies in Addressing Its Issues Independently

The Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi stated that Lebanon's salvation lies in addressing its issues independently, without linking them to the issues of other nearby or distant countries.

The National News Agency reported that Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi presided over Sunday Mass at the Church of Our Lady in the Patriarchal Palace in Bkerke, with the participation of several bishops and priests. The National News Agency clarified that Al-Rahi delivered a sermon titled "Who is the Faithful and Wise Steward?" in which he discussed the delay in forming the government, questioning the reasons for the governmental formation delay while the people are crying out from pain, starving from poverty, and dying from illness.

Al-Rahi continued his rhetorical questions regarding the delay in government formation, addressing the officials: "Why do you not form a government while hospitals are overwhelmed with patients, clinics and pharmacies lack medications, and stores lack food supplies? Why do you not form a government while the financial and economic crisis has reached its peak, the economy is collapsing, and agricultural production is being wasted? Why do you not form a government while people are begging for their money outside the banks and cannot find it? Why do you not form a government while major state institutions—military, financial, and judicial—are suffering from damaged credibility and morale due to orchestrated campaigns, malicious rumors, and deadly intrigues? Why do you not form a government while the borders are open, smuggling continues at Lebanon's expense, sovereignty is compromised, independence is suspended, and corruption is rampant? Why do you not form a government while unemployment and poverty exceed half of the population? Why do you not form a government while the minimum wage has effectively dropped to one hundred dollars? Why do you not form a government while the capital, Beirut, is devastated, the port is destroyed, and oil and gas resources are under control? Why do you not form a government while the country is entering a state of total collapse? Do you not fear God, the people, and the court of conscience and history?"

Al-Rahi added, "Is there any rational person who believes that the disagreement is over the interpretation of a constitutional article that is as clear as the sun?" He directed his remarks to the officials, stating, "The constitution was created for application, not for disputes; it should be a source of agreement, not a source of conflict." He highlighted that in the face of existential challenges, superficial sacrifices are permissible, stressing that taking the initiative in this direction elevates the individual in the eyes of the public and reflects a spirit of responsibility.

The Maronite Patriarch noted that if neutrality had been established in Lebanon, there would not have been any constitutional crises, including the current government formation crisis, pointing out that the cause lies in bias and multiple loyalties, coupled with factional interests that produce crises and wars in Lebanon.

Cardinal Mar Bechara asserted that any new approach to our Lebanese existence should start from adopting neutrality to preserve our unified, free, and independent existence, asserting that Lebanon's salvation requires the international community to view its issues independently from those of any other nearby or distant country.

The Maronite Patriarch congratulated the new American President Joe Biden on assuming his duties, relying on his faith and commitment to spiritual and humanitarian values, as well as his awareness of the concerns and struggles of peoples and their rights and aspirations for justice and freedom. He hoped that Biden and his administration would view Lebanon's case in this context, without linking it to any other country, and contribute to keeping it away from regional conflicts, supporting the project of its neutrality as a means to restore its stability and prosperity.

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