
UAE Emphasizes the Importance of Harnessing Technology for International Peace and Security

UAE Emphasizes the Importance of Harnessing Technology for International Peace and Security

The United Arab Emirates confirmed its commitment to work with the United Nations and member states to develop new methods and tools that contribute to utilizing modern technology in maintaining international peace and security. This was stated in the UAE’s submission during the open discussion held by the Security Council, chaired by His Excellency Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs in India, on the issue of "Protecting Protectors: Technology and Peacekeeping." The UAE highlighted that innovation is one of its priorities, particularly during its membership in the Security Council from 2022 to 2023.

The statement pointed out that despite the significant advancements in technology, it is crucial to ensure that these modern technological innovations are utilized to address the conflicts and challenges of our era. The UAE expressed its belief in the potential of new and emerging technologies to bring about revolutionary progress in the United Nations peacekeeping operations and to enhance international peace and security. In this context, it emphasized the necessity for UN operations to access technological tools that aid in the success of their mandates.

The UAE's statement highlighted the possibility of using drone technology by peacekeeping forces for information gathering and surveillance, as well as the potential benefits of renewable energy in mitigating security risks associated with peacekeeping operations due to the advantages of renewable energy, including low operating costs, contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving access to energy.

Additionally, the UAE stressed the importance of using and developing technology within a framework that considers gender perspectives, ensuring better protection for women and girls.

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