Arab World

Army Commander Sends Message to Soldiers

Army Commander Sends Message to Soldiers

Army Commander General Joseph Aoun confirmed that the Lebanese Armed Forces fulfilled their duties to the fullest during the past year, which was difficult on various fronts for all Lebanese. He emphasized that they were not distant from the challenges faced, remaining committed to their responsibilities.

In a message addressed to the soldiers through the "Army" magazine, the commander stated that this period is one of "men, resilient men," and that he has entrusted them with being heroes at all times, making him proud of them. He noted that "Lebanon will rise again." Here is the text of the message:

"With the start of a new year, hopes are renewed that it will bring goodness for all. What we experienced during the past year was difficult on various levels: politically, economically, security-wise, and medically. The army was the foremost bearer of the hardest cup in navigating these challenges, putting aside its own concerns because the security of the country remains its top priority and sacred duty.

Major responsibilities demanded greater efforts from you, and you were the best example of discipline and commitment. You carried out your duties exceptionally well and earned the praise of your fellow citizens as well as the international community, which continually expresses its admiration for your performance. You faced challenges with resilience and vigor, and did not allow discord to penetrate among your citizens. You bear the burdens of living costs due to the worsening economic situation, but you prevented its repercussions from disrupting security. You confront the pandemic that unsettles us all, yet you continue to perform your duties.

Know that you are the last hope for our people. Despite the suffering we are experiencing, all hopes rest upon you. Trust in your abilities, and trust that your leadership spares no effort in defending your rights. Remain steadfast in your belief in your homeland, for after hardship comes relief. Our homeland will regain its strength and reclaim its years of glory. It is a time for men, resilient men despite all circumstances. I have entrusted you with being heroes at all times, and you have made me proud, and I will remain so.

Let us not forget the blood of our comrades who preceded us in the journey of martyrdom defending our homeland; thanks to them we exist and for them, we continue. No matter how severe our homeland's tribulations become, we will hold onto our values even more. We will not surrender, we will not retreat. The soil of our homeland is precious, as are our families and our children. They entrusted to us the mission of defending them against all challenges and dangers, and we will uphold this trust. Teach your children to love the homeland as you do and for which you sacrifice your blood. I know well what you are currently suffering for them, but do not lose hope; our homeland will rise again."

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