
UAE Government Approves Amendments to Grant Citizenship

UAE Government Approves Amendments to Grant Citizenship

Reuters reported that the UAE government announced on Saturday that it has approved amendments allowing for citizenship to be granted to investors, professionals such as scientists and doctors, and their families.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai and Vice President of the country, wrote on Twitter, "Qualified individuals for UAE citizenship will be nominated through the Cabinet, local councils, and executive councils, with clear criteria established for each category." He added, "The law will allow these skilled individuals to retain any other citizenship they hold."

It is noteworthy that obtaining UAE citizenship requires several conditions, including renouncing one's original citizenship or any other citizenship held, having a legitimate and continuous residence in the country, proficiency in Arabic, having a lawful means of livelihood, possessing a scientific qualification, maintaining good conduct and reputation, and not having been convicted of a felony or a crime that undermines honor or integrity unless rehabilitated. Additionally, one must secure security clearance and take an oath of allegiance to the state.

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