
Maintain Your Health by Including These Five Healthy Foods in Your Breakfast

Maintain Your Health by Including These Five Healthy Foods in Your Breakfast

It is well known that having a nutritious breakfast in the early morning can help you start your day actively and improve your mood throughout the day. However, the unfortunate truth is that many people miss breakfast simply because they do not have enough time to prepare it. According to nutrition experts, skipping breakfast is closely related to weight gain and it affects energy levels, mood, and cognitive function as well. Many studies support the idea that having breakfast will reduce your need for hospital visits and contribute to weight loss. Additionally, many of us rarely have a healthy breakfast, which often includes some fried foods linked to fat, whereas a good breakfast should contain protein, healthy fats, and some fiber-rich carbohydrates. Therefore, here is a list of some of the best healthy foods to consider including in your breakfast:

1. **Oatmeal**: For cereal lovers, oatmeal is the best breakfast option overall, as it is made from 100% whole grains and is full of fiber, plant proteins, B vitamins, and minerals including iron, calcium, and magnesium. These nutrients help reduce the risk of heart disease thanks to a type of fiber called beta-glucan, which has been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels.

2. **Eggs**: Eggs are known to be rich in vitamins A, D, and B12, and they are an inexpensive breakfast option filled with the nutrients your body needs. Notably, two large eggs contain more than 50% of your daily requirement of choline, positively affecting your memory, mood, and muscle control.

3. **Greek Yogurt**: Greek yogurt is an ideal choice whether you want to use it as a breakfast or for a snack. Notably, like regular yogurt, it contains important nutrients such as calcium and B vitamins, but it features double the protein of regular yogurt for about the same amount of calories.

4. **Bananas**: In fact, bananas help provide quick energy and keep you feeling full for longer. Additionally, the folic acid and vitamin B6 abundant in bananas aid in the production of serotonin, improving mood and reducing anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

5. **Sweet Potatoes**: One medium sweet potato provides nearly 400% of your daily requirement of vitamin A, plus it is high in beta-carotene which boosts the immune system. One sweet potato contains about 15% of the recommended daily fiber intake, which may help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, sweet potatoes can be considered a good alternative to bread at breakfast.

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