
Eating Insects Can Be Dangerous for Those Allergic to Shellfish

Eating Insects Can Be Dangerous for Those Allergic to Shellfish

The inability to eat insects may not seem like an issue for most people, but a group of researchers has shown that individuals with shellfish allergies might be particularly at risk from products made from insect proteins.

While insects are eaten in various forms in many parts of the world, they are considered exotic foods in most Western countries. However, this perception has begun to change recently, with suggestions that insect protein could become a staple food in the future. This is due to the fact that insects can produce similar amounts of protein-based products as current livestock industries, using only a fraction of the resources required.

What raises concern is whether there are side effects for people who are allergic to substances like shellfish if they consume these proteins. Professor Andreas Lopata from James Cook University, one of the lead researchers in the study, examined whether shellfish allergy is related to insect consumption, particularly crickets. He stated that his analysis found 20 proteins in cricket products that were indeed linked to shellfish allergies, adding, "We took these proteins and compared them with our database that includes 100 patients with shellfish allergies, as well as some adults and children. What these results show is that if a patient with a shellfish allergy reacts to a certain protein, they would be at significant risk of reacting to the same protein found in crickets as well."

Professor Lopata also noted that this discovery has important implications for the insect protein industry, especially regarding the need for warning labels on foods containing it. He said, "We do not have any testing tools available to test for allergens in insects, so even if an insect is part of the ingredients, we cannot measure it. This has important implications for food labeling, as there should be clear labels on products containing insect proteins linked to shellfish allergies to prevent concerned individuals from consuming them."

It is worth mentioning that the research team included scientists from James Cook University, Edith Cowan University, and the National Agency for Science, Technology and Research in Singapore. Professor Michelle Colgrave, the principal author of the study, stated that the fact that some people are allergic to insect proteins is not surprising, but it had not been previously considered necessary.

Colgrave added, "We know that in some parts of the world where eating insects is more common, they definitely have a higher rate of allergic reactions to this food. Insects have been consumed for thousands of years by billions of people daily, so we do not expect to see a huge increase in the prevalence of allergies to insect products. However, we need to ensure that people are aware if they have shellfish allergies to avoid consuming these products as much as possible."

Researchers are expanding their study to include other sources of insect proteins, such as worms, to determine if they contain allergenic proteins as well. They explained that shellfish allergy has been found in about 3% of the world's population, meaning it could remain a vital food source as long as it is properly labeled.

Professor Colgrave stated, "There are hundreds of foods that contain allergens, so this would not be unusual for insects. We just need to ensure that individuals with shellfish allergies understand that insects could also cause them allergic reactions."

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