
Four Topics to Avoid Discussing During Intimacy

Four Topics to Avoid Discussing During Intimacy

When it comes to intimacy, saying certain things to your partner can kill the mood and potentially make the entire sexual experience unappealing for both of you. It’s important to always strive to make things interesting and to make your partner feel desired and appreciated, as this will make her happier and more attracted to you.

To avoid making the mistakes that many men and women do, here are some topics that should never be discussed during intimacy:

1. **How many people have you been with?** While it’s important to care about your sexual health, it’s not the moment to bring this up during sex. Although asking about sexual health is entirely necessary, especially with a new partner, discussions about sexually transmitted diseases and past relationships should take place before becoming intimate—not during. This is a highly sensitive issue and is not appropriate for an intimate moment.

2. **You remind me of someone:** While it’s fine to have memories and a past that you can’t forget, never tell your partner that they remind you of someone else while you’re being intimate. This is incredibly disrespectful and will undoubtedly kill the mood. In truth, telling your partner during sex that they remind you of someone else simply indicates that your mind is with another person and not with them.

3. **You could do that if you wanted to:** It’s always best to be confident and clear about your sexual desires in bed. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you want or to express what you don’t want. If you enjoy something, say “yes” enthusiastically, as if you're living a lifelong dream. However, if it’s something you don’t want, clarify simply by saying “not tonight” or “how about we do this instead” or “let’s try something else.” Avoid indifference; no one can read minds, and indifference can signal disinterest, which can undoubtedly change the mood.

4. **How is the family?** Even if you’re someone who enjoys chatting, this is not the right time to discuss your mother, her mother, or anything regarding your families. The right time for such discussions is not during intimacy. Bringing up these personal matters can be off-putting at that moment, so enjoy the moment and discuss whatever you want afterward.

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