
# Psychological Strike: "Depression" and Key Signs of Recovery

# Psychological Strike:

A person may experience a psychological disorder known as depression, which affects many around the world. It causes a range of disturbances in thoughts and feelings that negatively impact the individual, leading them to neglect their responsibilities. Sometimes, the person may prefer not to go to work or distance themselves from friends. Overcoming depression requires time and care, and receiving appropriate treatment is crucial for recovery as each individual's healing process is different.

There are indicators that show a person has begun recovering from depression:

1. **Decrease in Relapses and Episodes**: Limited relapses are a promising sign of recovery from depression. Millions experience episodes of depression even when they are close to recovery. However, if these relapses become fewer and rarer, it can be a very positive development.

2. **Increase in Daily Activities**: Depression significantly impacts an individual's physical activities alongside mental health. A person with depression tends to sleep more and exhibit signs of lethargy. However, if the individual is recovering, these signs begin to fade, and they can start engaging in exercise, household chores, meditation, reading, and other activities with ease and energy.

3. **Enhancement of Social Relationships**: A well-known sign is when a person with depression starts to emerge from isolation on their own, feeling comfortable around friends and family who provide support. They begin to strengthen social relationships by communicating with others, hosting gatherings, or simply being in the company of others.

4. **Increased Interest in Recreational Activities**: Whether these activities are hobbies, going on trips, or learning something new, an increase in interest signifies that the individual has regained their energy and vitality and has started to recover from depression.

5. **Focus on Personal Hygiene**: Paying attention to basic personal hygiene, such as brushing teeth, showering, grooming hair, washing clothes, shaving, and maintaining a clean home, are all indicators of recovery from depression as well.

6. **Return to Work**: Going back to work is a sign that a person with depression is on the right path to treatment. Breaking the chains of isolation and being ready to resume a normal lifestyle, such as going to the office, interacting with colleagues, taking on responsibilities, and staying active, are some signs of growth and development that can be considered treatment for depression.

7. **Initiating Cooking**: Starting to cook and eat healthy meals instead of relying on leftovers or takeout is a significant step and a clear sign of recovery from depression.

8. **Reduction in Anger**: Not losing one's temper or feeling anger and frustration easily indicates that depression is subsiding. The ability to think rationally and calmly is also a sign of recovery from depression.

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