Under the title "Beware... 10 Risks to the Body and Mind if You Don't Eat Well After Iftar," the Arabic website published news about the dangers of malnutrition during Ramadan, including recommendations from nutrition experts. The article noted that consuming enough food for the body to function properly and healthily is not a new piece of information. However, some may not realize that there are numerous side effects of malnutrition. Of course, many know that overeating can lead to obesity and certain health issues, but in reality, when a person does not eat enough, they may also face various health problems, according to Boldsky.
The body requires three suitable and balanced meals daily for good physical and mental health. Many neglect their meals frequently, perhaps due to their hectic lifestyles or restrictive diets. Experts advise against skipping meals, noting that during fasting, one should have snacks between iftar and suhoor, as inadequate nutrition can lead to frequent infections or increased vulnerability to health issues due to a weakened immune system. Nutrition experts have repeatedly confirmed that hunger is not an effective form of dieting and has dire consequences, potentially leading to the opposite effect where a person overeats after a period of hunger.
Nutrition experts recommend providing the body with its daily requirements of carbohydrates and other nutrients to avoid the following problems:
1. **Blood Sugar Fluctuations**
The moment a person eats, their body begins converting carbohydrates into glucose for energy. The body needs a continuous supply of glucose to function properly, but when deprived of food, glucose levels can drop significantly, leading to headaches, decreased energy levels, and lethargy. The most serious effect is that fluctuating blood sugar levels can pose a long-term risk for heart disease.
2. **Constipation**
Hunger or malnutrition often means deprivation of essential nutrients, including fiber. Constipation is a side effect of consuming an inadequate amount of fiber-rich foods.
3. **Insomnia**
Starvation causes the body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy. When insulin levels drop, the body overproduces an enzyme called orexin, which provides temporary energy. The brain also signals the body to release excess adrenaline, leading to insomnia.
4. **Hair Loss**
Hair is primarily made of protein but needs calcium, iron, and unsaturated fatty acids to remain healthy. Deprivation of these nutrients can lead to a dry scalp and adversely affect hair follicles, resulting in excessive hair loss.
5. **Irritability and Stress**
An irrational feeling of anger can stem from skipping breakfast. Experts explain that hunger leads to decreased serotonin levels, causing one to feel easily angered or upset.
6. **Digestive Problems**
Not consuming enough food can severely affect the digestive system. When a person is hungry, the digestive system shrinks, making it difficult to process a normal diet. Stomach acid production decreases, and if instances of hunger are frequent and prolonged, stomach enzyme activity may stop completely, requiring treatment to return to normal.
7. **Constant Hunger**
Feeling hungry throughout the day is another sign that a person is not eating well. Appetite and cravings can increase in response to calorie restriction due to hormonal changes that manage hunger and fullness. Thus, if a person reduces their calorie intake, their body will send signals to the brain, causing persistent feelings of hunger.
8. **Inability to Conceive**
Studies have shown that women who experience hunger and cut down on food often find it difficult to conceive, primarily due to irregular menstrual cycles. When the body does not receive enough food, iron levels can drop, delaying menstruation. Irregular menstrual cycles can hinder conception.
9. **Continuous Cold Sensation**
Experts state that the human body needs to burn a certain number of calories to generate heat and maintain a healthy, comfortable temperature. Therefore, if a person does not eat enough, they are likely to feel cold all the time.
10. **Anxiety and Stress**
Studies indicate that stress and anxiety can occur as a reaction to extremely low calorie intake. Some studies have shown that overweight individuals consuming low-calorie diets experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety.