
His Wife Embezzles Millions and Marries Another Without His Knowledge

His Wife Embezzles Millions and Marries Another Without His Knowledge

An Egyptian man was devastated after a tragedy he faced four years abroad, where his wife embezzled his money, sold their apartment, married someone else, and divorced him without him knowing, all while he continued to send her money. The distressed man had no choice but to turn to the Family Court in Imbaba to file a case of marital discord against his wife for seizing his possessions during his time abroad, after a marriage that lasted only four and a half years.

The husband started his lawsuit by stating, "I traveled to an Arab country a few months after our wedding due to the nature of my work as an engineer. I offered to take her with me, but she refused to stay with her family. I began sending money for her to buy land to build a house with three floors and to fully finish it so we could live together when I returned from abroad."

He continued, "My mother repeatedly told me about my wife's bad behavior during my travels, but I didn't believe her. I couldn’t imagine that she was betraying me all that time while I was working for her so that we could live a better life and enroll our children in better schools."

The husband expressed his heartbreak, saying, "I returned hoping that she was waiting for me and had built our dream that she promised to fulfill, but nothing happened. Instead, I found out she had filed for divorce from the first year of my trip and was married informally to another man with the knowledge of her family. She did not inform anyone in my family about the divorce so I would continue sending her money. She also embezzled three million Egyptian pounds and a plot of land, sold our marital apartment, and purchased another one to live in away from my family to avoid being discovered, living with her second husband using my money," according to Al-Ahram newspaper.

The husband stated, "I filed a report against my wife for the original remittances I sent her over the four years amounting to three million Egyptian pounds (in dollar remittances) for buying land and building a three-story building and fully finishing it."

He continued, "I found no solution to the tragedy I am living in, so I asked her to return my money and turned to her family, but nothing happened except that she expelled me from my home, and her second husband threatened me with a knife, saying he would kill me. When I filed a report against him, she pursued me with lawsuits and malicious accusations to the extent that she summoned thugs to attack me when I requested to enter my home. She disgraced me among my family, threatened me with imprisonment, betrayed me, tarnished my reputation, published false accusations against me, and relentlessly pursued me with legal cases, turning my life into a nightmare."

The court has postponed the hearing of the case for another session to listen to both spouses and discuss what has been stated in the lawsuit. It is worth mentioning that a ruling of marital discord places the wife in a position of legal violation and wrongdoing against her husband, which nullifies her right to alimony and compensation. The husband has the right to recover what he has given as a dowry and marital benefits if the court rules in favor of separating them, given that all fault is attributed to the wife.

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