
Astronomers: An Extraterrestrial Being Visited Us in 2017

Astronomers: An Extraterrestrial Being Visited Us in 2017

In October 2017, astronomers observed an object moving at high speed, which could only have come from another star, marking the first recorded case of an interstellar visitor. It did not appear to be an ordinary rock, as after its launch around the sun, it accelerated and deviated from its expected path, driven by a mysterious force. This could easily be explained if it were a comet expelling gas and debris, but there was no visible evidence of this "gas ejection" process.

The traveler also exhibited strange behaviors, according to how it appeared brighter and dimmer in scientists' telescopes, and it was unusually bright, indicating it was made of a shiny metal. To explain what happened, astronomers had to devise new theories, such as that it might be made of hydrogen ice, thus having no visible effects, or that it was disintegrating into a cloud of dust.

This forms the basis of a new book by a prominent astronomer arguing that the simplest and best explanation for the extraordinary properties of this interstellar object that passed through our solar system in 2017 is that it was a technology designed by an extraterrestrial being. Does that sound strange? Scientist Avi Loeb states, "The evidence suggests otherwise," and he is convinced that his peers in the scientific community are so entrenched in collective thinking that they are unwilling to resort to Occam's Razor (a principle of simplicity in reasoning and analysis).

Loeb's theory is difficult to dismiss; he was the head of astronomy at Harvard University for a long time, published hundreds of pioneering research papers, and collaborated with greats like the late Stephen Hawking. He believes that "the idea that we are unique and special is hubris." He continued, "The right approach is to be humble and say: we are not special, there are many other cultures, and we just need to find them."

Loeb stated, "The explanations that have been brought up to clarify the properties of 'Oumuamua' always involved something we had not seen before." He added, "If this is the direction we are taking, why not consider it to be of artificial origin?"

'Oumuamua was not photographed up close during its short visit, as its existence was discovered only after it exited our solar system. There are two shapes that fit the distinctive properties observed: long and thin like a cigar, or flat and round like a pancake. However, Loeb pointed out that simulations tend to favor the second option, and he believes that the body was deliberately crafted in the shape of a sail propelled by stellar radiation.

Also surprising was the way the object moved, further increasing the peculiarity of its passage. Before colliding with our Sun, 'Oumuamua was in a "resting" state relative to nearby stars, which is rare. Instead of thinking of it as a ship rushing through space, from its shape, our solar system collided with it. However, Loeb's ideas placed him at odds with his peers. Astrophysicist Ethan Siegel described him in Forbes as "a once-respected scientist," who failed to convince his colleagues with his arguments and has begun to try to persuade the public instead.

Loeb himself protests against a "bullying culture" in academia that punishes those who question traditional doctrine, much like Galileo was punished when he suggested that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

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