
Man Claims Abduction by Aliens: "They Pulled Me with a Green Beam!"

Man Claims Abduction by Aliens:

An American man named Steve Colburn alleged that aliens have ruined his life by implanting an electronic chip in his arm, leading to his wife leaving him and him losing his job. Colburn stated that he has been abducted "hundreds of times" by gray-colored beings. According to the "Mirror," the American man revealed that he was surprised by a mysterious object hovering above his avocado tree, before being pulled into a spaceship by a beam of green light. He mentioned that he was taken to a medical station and was asked to lie down, and when he returned to Earth, nothing was the same. Hence, Steve believes that the aliens implanted an electronic chip in his arm.

Although Steve claimed his wife experienced similar episodes, he pointed out that this event ultimately led to their divorce. He indicated that his desire to investigate the paranormal experiences he faced resulted in losing his job after he used the company's equipment in an attempt to analyze a suspected chip. Reflecting on the experience, Steve stated that he explored how his perspective on life changed, saying, "It opened my eyes; I feel that I am part of this community, as well as their community, and also a member of the galactic civilization, rather than just a mysterious human trapped on a mysterious planet."

Of course, this story cannot be verified, but the western media's passion for news about space and mysterious beings is significant, with some even dedicating specific sections of their websites to such news.

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