
Title: The Sovereign Line Grows: A Legislative Majority is an Essential Path to Change

Title: The Sovereign Line Grows: A Legislative Majority is an Essential Path to Change

The electronic newspaper "Al-Anbaa" reported that the warnings issued by Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt regarding the dangers of the pro-resistance group's dominance over sovereign decisions, holding Lebanon hostage to the Iranian-Syrian axis, resonate with the message delivered by Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi during his Easter sermons. The Patriarch called on Lebanese citizens to participate abundantly in the elections to reclaim the legislative majority and the necessity of ending Hezbollah's hegemony over Lebanon. This national line is expected to grow and solidify during this critical moment, which may not recur before the elections to affirm Lebanon's identity and prevent it from being hijacked again.

Monitoring sources noted to "Al-Anbaa" electronic that the concern for Lebanon expressed by both the Patriarch and the Progressive Socialist Party leader is a common denominator between the two prominent figures. It has become clear that Hezbollah is contesting these elections under the banner of protecting its weapons, marking the first time the party has approached the elections with this ambiguous title that conceals many unclear aspects. In previous elections, the term "protecting the resistance" was used. The sources added that this shift in positions and Syria's involvement in refocusing its allies' electoral strategies—along with changes in candidate names and Hezbollah's commitment to hardliners over what they term doves to achieve electoral victory—have all signified that this election is significantly different from its predecessors, especially those that resulted from the Doha Agreement. If Hezbollah manages to secure the parliamentary majority, it may lead to the abolition of the Taif Accord and the discussion of a founding conference that they have intermittently threatened.

The sources viewed it as no coincidence that the Patriarch's concerns align with Jumblatt's fears for the entity, and this is not the first time they have united to defend Lebanon. While the Patriarch speaks in general terms, Jumblatt has named things explicitly, crossing barriers of fear once again, declaring, "With the legislative majority, we impose our words... Will they kill us?"

In this context, Strong Lebanon bloc member MP Anis Nassar remarked in an interview with "Al-Anbaa" electronic that the Patriarch's statements belong to the sovereign line of Bkerki, regardless of our stance, since the declaration of the State of Greater Lebanon in 1920, as well as for all sovereign leaders from Walid Jumblatt to Samir Geagea, who are at the forefront of defending Lebanon. He expressed his astonishment at the pro-resistance team's insistence on severing Lebanon from its Arab surroundings.

He stated, "This country cannot be controlled by any team, no matter how large its size or arsenal because it is composed of a 'mosaic' of 18 components. If one of them breaks, it shatters." He questioned, "Why does Iran insist on establishing its armies in the region? Inside, there is the Quds Force that does not heed the army's orders; in Iraq, the Popular Mobilization Forces prevent state formation; in Syria, they succeeded in transforming the Syrian army into a militia; in Lebanon, Hezbollah is a militia that dominates the state; and in Yemen, there is the Houthi militia. Why can't they let us live? We are a people who have learned the culture of life, not the culture of death." He considered that the words of the Patriarch, Jumblatt, and Geagea stem from their concern for the country after the political authority's failure to maintain it. He deemed this election crucial—either we renew the majority and prevent Lebanon from falling or we will lose everything.

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