
Humanitarian Journey from Dubai to Cairo, Sponsored by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, to Fulfill a Wish of an Egyptian Citizen

Humanitarian Journey from Dubai to Cairo, Sponsored by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, to Fulfill a Wish of an Egyptian Citizen

The story of Karim Ahmed Tawfik, who suffered a stroke, has become a topic of discussion on social media due to the interest shown by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the State, Prime Minister, and Ruler of Dubai, and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in the young man's health condition and ensuring all means for his treatment. The official page of the Egyptian Prime Minister's office published a statement confirming that communication with the young man's father came after President El-Sisi's directives to follow up on his son's condition. They thanked Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum for his immediate and generous response and his directives for the Dubai government to cover the travel costs for his continued treatment in Egypt. It also included the approval for a doctor and a nurse from the treatment hospital in the UAE to accompany him during his return journey, reflecting the deep ties between Egypt and the UAE at all levels.

Ahmed Tawfik, the father of the young man returning to Egypt, recounted the support and assistance he received, stating: "Karim traveled four years ago in search of opportunities, but due to the circumstances of COVID-19, he faced some difficulties and suffered severe medical crises during the 13 months he spent in the hospital." According to Sky News, he continued, "We were speaking the day before his illness about his desire to return and visit his mother and family, but he was waiting to finalize his residency papers. However, the next day, I felt like my soul was leaving me. I called him multiple times, but he didn’t answer. I contacted our Egyptian friends there, and they confirmed he was in a critical condition, unable to speak or move and in a complete state of coma. When I requested to speak with the doctors, they informed me he was suffering from a stroke and severely low blood pressure that affected his bodily functions."

The father, returning his son for treatment to Egypt by a presidential decision, added: "In reality, my son received excellent care inside Dubai Hospital, and he was in the largest intensive care unit. They were constantly in touch with me to explain his health condition. At that time, we were going through a severe crisis in Egypt, but I managed to get a passport and took a loan secured by my pension to travel and support him."

He continued, "I was able to fly out and went directly to him upon arrival. When I entered his room, I didn’t recognize him due to the changes in his appearance from the illness." The young man's father then shared, "I thought, after life became difficult for me and my family in Egypt, to appeal to President El-Sisi to assist in completing Karim's treatment in Egypt, as suggested by someone with me in the UAE."

He added, "After my heartfelt plea to the great father, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, due to our need to travel to Egypt to continue treatment and the need for his elderly mother to see him and support him, a few hours passed, and I was informed by Minister of Immigration Dr. Nabila Makram that the president heard our distress call and ordered her, along with the Minister of Higher Education and several officials, to prepare a hospital to receive Karim."

Minister Nabila Makram of Immigration and Egyptian Affairs abroad confirmed on her personal Facebook page: "The new republic is not just a hashtag or slogans; this is the new Egypt we have been dreaming of for a long time. Karim Tawfik is 32 years old and works in simple jobs in Dubai. He fell ill, and his condition deteriorated. He has been in the hospital for over a year suffering from many complications."

She continued: "The father is unable to manage, and has no connections to reach any official, but he appealed to the President, who instructed the ministry to fulfill his request and guarantee his treatment. Karim will arrive in Egypt under the gracious care of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum; this is not about connections; it is about humanity."

The father, in his sixties, described the moment the Minister of Immigration called him: "A new spirit revived in me, as if a mountain had been removed from my shoulders. Soon after, I received a call from a senior official from the UAE asking for details and the name of the hospital, transforming the situation, followed by another call from the minister at 7 AM stating that we would be returning to Egypt, with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid covering all expenses and ensuring a medical team accompanies him until he reaches the hospital. Truly, everyone I dealt with was overflowing with kindness and love; in the UAE, there are some of the best and most loving people in existence."

He confirmed, "The problems I had been worrying about for a year ended in just hours. The UAE provided us with everything, from the hospital to reaching the airport, and within moments, everything was arranged until we boarded the plane. Upon our arrival at the airport, an ambulance was waiting for us, and they asked me to be with my son and not to worry about luggage or any other details."

The father recalled, "We had been dreaming of a kind new Egypt, with a president who feels for the citizens and shares their joy and pain. What happened was indeed a dream; I was in a very tough nightmare that was lifted thanks to the support I received from both Egypt and the UAE."

He continued: "At Ain Shams Hospital, the reception was exemplary, and they asked us about Karim’s condition in detail, reassuring us that he would receive the same care he had in Dubai here in Egypt."

Tawfik sent a message to the officials who helped him in the UAE, saying: "You are all above my head; what you have done and your support for me and my son over the past months is immense. You are the land of giving and goodness, and the people of the UAE are kind and hospitable. Thank you to Dubai Health for standing with Karim for about 13 months with complete care and ideal attention."

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