
# Expo Dubai: 2.35 Million Visits in One Month

# Expo Dubai: 2.35 Million Visits in One Month

"Expo 2020 Dubai" successfully attracted 2.35 million visits during its first month, hosting international events, entertainment shows, and notable seminars that drew guests from the UAE, the region, and around the world. The organizers praised the remarkable success of the international event from October 1 to 31, announcing the impressive visitor count.

The percentage of visitors under 18 years of age accounted for 28% of the total, and this figure is expected to rise as the Expo's school program expands in the coming months of temperate weather.

On a global scale, 17% of the visits came from outside the UAE, a noteworthy figure, especially since the international event takes place while many countries still face travel restrictions due to the pandemic. "Expo" recorded visitors from 185 nationalities, with India, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom being the top five countries from which visitors came.

Most visitors plan to return to "Expo Dubai" multiple times; over half of the visitors (53%) purchased seasonal tickets, while more than a quarter (27%) held multi-entry tickets, and 20% accessed the exhibit with one-day tickets.

In line with the sustainability goals of "Expo 2020 Dubai," a massive number of visitors utilized transportation services provided by the Roads and Transport Authority. Approximately 1.1 million trips were made to and from the Expo site using the Dubai Metro, out of nearly 3.6 million trips in total.

During the first 31 days since the opening of "Expo," events included the first two weeks of thematic weeks within the "Human and Planet Earth" program designed to inspire collective efforts to address the world's most pressing challenges and opportunities. The expo brought together experts from around the world during the Climate and Biodiversity Week, which preceded the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-26), leading into Space Week, focusing on how space exploration can improve life on Earth. The remaining eight thematic weeks will run until the end of March, while the Urban and Rural Development Week extends until November 6.

In total, 1938 government leaders, including heads of state and prime ministers, visited the international event, inaugurating their country pavilions and delivering speeches at official events while celebrating their national days at "Expo 2020 Dubai." For the first time in the history of the international expo, each participating country, totaling 192 pavilions, had its own independent pavilion, with the Saudi Arabia pavilion being one of the largest and attracting half a million visitors so far.

During its first month, "Expo 2020 Dubai" celebrated several national and honorary days, featuring significant events such as a stunning aerial display by the French Air Force's "Patrouille de France," the unveiling of a large inspiring artwork by Swiss artist Saype, and a performance by the international "UAE Youth Orchestra" delivering a symphony of peace and understanding on the UN Day.

Ticket holders eagerly used their "Expo Passports," with 695,437 copies sold in the first month, as visitors competed to collect the most stamps from different countries in a single day.

In just the first month after its launch, "Expo Dubai" organized 5610 impressive official events. Crowds gathered to witness the creativity of an array of regional and global performing artists, including Amr Diab, Kadim Al Sahir, and Sami Yusuf. Notable sports stars also made appearances, from the famous basketball exhibition team "Harlem Globetrotters" to the prominent cricket team "Rajasthan Royals." Some countries sent musicians and performers, while discussions included a wide range of participants from business leaders to astronauts.

As the UAE enters the temperate winter months, visitor numbers are expected to steadily increase, further driven by the ongoing "Expo" event program.

With "Expo 2020 Dubai" reaching a global digital audience, the number of virtual visitors has reached 12.4 million since October 1, with the event continuing until March 31, 2022, inviting visitors from around the world to collectively create a new world in a celebration of human creativity, innovation, progress, and cultures spanning six months.

- 12.4 million virtual visitors to "Expo 2020 Dubai" during the first month.

- 5610 impressive official events in the first month of the exhibition.

- 1.1 million trips using Dubai Metro out of nearly 3.6 million trips.

- 695,437 copies of the "Golden Expo Passport" sold during the first month.

- With the UAE entering the temperate winter months, visitor numbers are expected to steadily increase.

- The top five countries from which visitors came outside the UAE: India, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom.

**The Highlighted Week**

The last week of October saw a significant surge in visitors to "Expo 2020 Dubai," drawing 880,000 visits. This week featured numerous exceptional events that attracted visitors from all nationalities. "Expo 2020 Dubai" established itself as a perfect family destination appealing to all ages, offering activities to satisfy diverse tastes.

**A Busy November**

November features the conclusion of a week of events in celebration of "Diwali," with performances by star Nancy Ajram and artist Ragheb Alama as part of the "Eternal Evenings" concert series, alongside the beginning of a busy schedule of events celebrating the golden jubilee of the United Arab Emirates.

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