
Pleasant Surprise: Omicron as a Divine Vaccine to End COVID-19

Pleasant Surprise: Omicron as a Divine Vaccine to End COVID-19

Under the title "Pleasant News: Omicron as a Divine Vaccine to End COVID-19," the Al Arabiya website reported on a new theory adopted by some epidemiologists worldwide. This theory suggests that the Omicron variant will eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic, which has burdened the world, causing millions of deaths and billions of dollars in economic losses globally.

Dr. Hussam Abu Faraskh, a consultant in tissue and viral disease diagnostics, appeared on "Al Arabiya" through the "Tafaulakum" program, where he confirmed this theory, emphasizing that the Omicron variant is a "divine vaccine" that will signal the end of the coronavirus on Earth. Currently, the severe infections from the Omicron variant have not resulted in a significant increase in deaths.

Since the emergence of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, the pandemic has claimed the lives of over 5.4 million people. As the Omicron variant spreads uncontrollably around the world, it appears to be less dangerous than initially feared, raising hopes of overcoming the pandemic and returning to normal life.

Dr. Abu Faraskh wrote on his Facebook account about two weeks ago that "Omicron is spreading much more than we expect. It is spreading 70 times more than Delta and doubles every two days. It will dominate all strains within a month, but it is less dangerous than Delta, with a fatality rate of about 0.02%, lower than seasonal flu, in contrast to the 1.9% for the Alpha strain." He added, "We hope that its rapid spread and low fatality rate will be a mercy for humanity and a divine free vaccine."

He reiterated the same theory about a week ago, stating that "the incubation period for the Omicron strain is about 3 days (shorter than the five days in the original coronavirus). Studies have shown that about half of those currently suffering from colds might be infected with Omicron. Omicron will seemingly dominate the world by the end of January."

He further mentioned, "We are facing a mild virus that will allow the entire global population to develop rapid herd immunity to COVID-19 within a few months, which undoubtedly suggests that COVID-19 will end within months, God willing. This is what we said would happen," emphasizing that it is "a free divine vaccine for the world."

Two days ago, he shared a widely circulated video of a specialist who appeared on Fox News, discussing the same theory. Dr. Abu Faraskh commented on the clip, saying: "This is one of the scientists describing Omicron, as I previously called it over a month ago: a 'divine free vaccine.' It spreads rapidly, and the number of deaths from it globally is ten at the time of the interview. It is a weak virus that affects the upper respiratory tract. This scientist describes Omicron as a very weak virus... Many scientists are starting to say the same things I reached earlier based on studying the epidemiological situation in the world. I expect, God willing, the end of COVID-19 soon."

During his interview on "Tafaulakum," Dr. Abu Faraskh stated that since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, he had been waiting for the emergence of this variant (Omicron) that would end the pandemic. He noted that the Omicron variant has weakened, becoming confined to the upper respiratory tract, not affecting the lower respiratory tract, meaning the lungs, leading to symptoms that resemble a cold and not causing pneumonia.

The expert predicted that infections with the Omicron variant would increase significantly in the coming days globally, thereby achieving herd immunity, emphasizing that herd immunity is the only way out of the pandemic. He pointed out that herd immunity is not achieved through vaccinations, noting that many will contract Omicron worldwide in the coming days, including vaccinated individuals, and predicted an increase in its spread in African countries. He also expected that the nightmare of COVID-19 would end globally by spring, specifically within three months.

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