
# Steps to Prevent Dementia

# Steps to Prevent Dementia

More than 55 million people worldwide suffer from dementia, according to the World Health Organization, which is a disorder that affects memory and cognitive abilities. Although there is no cure for dementia, there are ways to help prevent it. Dr. David Perlmutter, a neurologist and five-time New York Times bestselling author, whose book "Drop Acid" is set to be released soon, states, "There is no doubt that dietary choices have a profound impact on dementia risk. But physical activity is equally important. Research over the past decade has established the fundamental importance of exercise concerning brain health. Higher levels of regular exercise are associated with better memory functions and reduced brain shrinkage, potentially helping to decrease dementia risk by 40%. Given that there is no effective medical treatment for dementia, it makes sense to pursue various lifestyle options that have scientific support showing benefits for brain health." According to the website "Eat This Not That," health experts provide ways to reverse and stop the habits leading to dementia:

1. **Avoid Loud Music**

Dr. Hope Lanter, an audiologist, notes, "A study conducted earlier this year found that elderly individuals starting to lose their vision and hearing are at a higher risk for dementia compared to those with impairment in only one sense or no hearing issues. Hearing impairment is an early sign of many conditions, including dementia. Therefore, taking care of hearing is a vital component of a healthy life." Dr. Lanter explains that reducing or avoiding noise exposure is the most crucial measure one can take, and wearing hearing protection when noise exposure cannot be avoided is also important. Daily activities, like lawn mowing, or simple issues such as earwax buildup, "can cause hearing loss," emphasizing the importance of "early and routine hearing tests as they are a critical indicator for monitoring any changes in hearing ability, allowing for proactive measures to reduce the risks associated with hearing loss."

2. **Brain Exercises**

According to Dr. Fouad Youssef, a neurologist at the Marcus Institute of Neuroscience at Baptist Health, "To prevent memory loss or cognitive decline associated with dementia or Alzheimer's disease, engaging in brain exercises, such as reading, is recommended. It aids in recognizing new information and forces the mind to think about matters unrelated to daily routine tasks. Solving puzzles, crosswords, card games, music, and arts and crafts are also excellent activities, as they stimulate and activate the brain. Learning to play a musical instrument helps individuals learn new tasks and improve memory and attention. Engaging in any of these activities is beneficial as it forces individuals to think outside of daily tasks, helps with multitasking, and stimulates the creation of new neural pathways in the brain."

3. **Yoga and Meditation**

Dr. Youssef states that "Activities such as yoga and meditation calm the patient and create opportunities for interaction with others, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dementia and Alzheimer's." Social connections and interactive activities are especially important. Having a friend or someone to talk to helps stimulate positive emotions and supports memory, attention, speech, and language.

4. **Daily Exercise**

Dr. Youssef mentions, "A study from Columbia University found that individuals who exercise on a treadmill for 30 minutes daily experienced new cell growth in the dentate gyrus, a part of the hippocampus in the temporal lobe associated with memory function." He adds, "Since exercise increases blood flow to the brain, it helps nourish the growth of new brain cells, which is essential for improving or maintaining memory function. Regular physical activity has also been shown to reduce stress and improve mood, even if it's just a daily walk."

5. **Fruits and Vegetables**

According to the CDC, "About 75% of all Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables." Dr. Youssef encourages reducing red meat intake and increasing consumption of seeds, vegetables, and fruits.

6. **Anti-Inflammatory Foods**

Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and creator of the Candida diet, which is anti-inflammatory and focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to help improve brain health, states, "Our diet has a greater impact on brain health than we realize." By reducing inflammation in the body and increasing the amount of plant compounds consumed, oxidative damage caused by free radicals can be prevented and reduced. Dr. Richards explains that this is primarily due to the effect of antioxidants in plant compounds at the cellular level, where healthy fats found in lean proteins and plant sources can help reduce inflammation while simultaneously nourishing the brain with beneficial fats. This can be achieved through a plant-based diet.

7. **Risks of the Western Diet**

Dr. Uma Naidoo, a psychiatrist and nutritionist from Harvard University and author of "This is Your Brain on Food," states, "Following a Western diet," which is high in processed carbohydrates, sugars, and trans fats, "can lead to detrimental effects on memory, cognition, and even emotions." Dr. Naidoo explains that such a diet promotes inflammation, reduces beneficial gut bacteria, and contributes to chronic (physical and mental) stress, noting, "It has been shown that added and refined sugars feed unhealthy gut bacteria and increase inflammation in both the gut and the brain, which is one of the drivers of cognitive decline and dementia."

8. **Gluten-Free Foods**

Dr. Naidoo also explains that "for individuals with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, consuming gluten may lead to neurological issues, including cognitive impairment, which can worsen over time."

9. **Dementia-Preventive Foods**

Dr. Naidoo recommends the following tips for preventing neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment:

- **Spices:** Adding spices like turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon, saffron, rosemary, and ginger can enhance meals with smart flavors, and each has beneficial health properties for the brain as well as mood improvement.

- **Olive Oil:** Extra virgin olive oil is excellent for brain health, with its consumption linked to lower rates of Alzheimer's disease due to its crucial role in promoting the body's autophagy process to clean cells.

- **Omega-3 Fatty Acids:** The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of omega-3 fatty acids show promising results in enhancing cognitive functions and memory. Omega-3 can be obtained from fatty fish like salmon and anchovies, as well as from many nuts and seeds.

- **Leafy Greens:** Leafy vegetables like spinach and dandelion are great sources of folate, and low levels of folate can lead to certain neurological issues. Improving folate levels in the body has beneficial effects on brain health and cognitive longevity.

- **Berries and Colorful Vegetables:** The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of berries and colorful vegetables contribute to memory enhancement and improve brain health in aging. The high fiber content in these berries and colorful vegetables, full of vitamins and minerals, also supports a healthy microbiome, which includes beneficial bacteria, while reducing inflammation and improving mood.

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