
# Arab and International Football Stars and Clubs Mourn Child Rayan

# Arab and International Football Stars and Clubs Mourn Child Rayan

Many Arab and European football clubs and stars have expressed their deep sorrow over the death of Moroccan child Rayan after the rescue teams' relentless efforts to free him from an abandoned well, where he was stuck for nearly five days, were unsuccessful.

In Spain, FC Barcelona offered heartfelt condolences to Rayan's family in a tweet on their Twitter account, saying: "There is no power and no strength except through God. May God make him a bird from the birds of paradise."

English club Manchester City tweeted: "We extend our sincere condolences to the family of #Rayan.. Our thoughts and hearts are with his parents, and our condolences to the Moroccan people and all of humanity for this tragedy."

Algerian national team player and Manchester City star also expressed his sorrow following Rayan's death, stating: "Rayan, may God have mercy on him."

Manchester United concluded their condolences regarding Rayan's tragedy by offering warm sympathies to his family, tweeting: "Our deepest condolences on the death of hero Rayan. We wish his family patience and solace."

Liverpool expressed their deep sadness over Rayan's death, writing: "We were deeply saddened to hear of the passing of child Rayan. Our heartfelt condolences to his family and all his loved ones. His long struggle will remain forever immortal."

In Italy, AC Milan described child Rayan as a hero, commenting on his passing: "May God have mercy on hero Rayan.. Everyone's hearts in Milan are with his family during this painful time."

In France, Paris Saint-Germain shared a tweet praying for Rayan, stating: "May God have mercy on child Rayan!"

In Saudi Arabia, Al-Hilal Club tweeted: "May God have mercy on child Rayan and make paradise his home." Al-Ahli Club posted a photo of the late child with the comment: "We all cry for you, Rayan," while Al-Nasr Club tweeted: "To the eternal paradise, God willing, Rayan."

Former Saudi national team and Al-Nasr captain Majed Abdullah tweeted: "My deepest condolences and sincere sympathies to the parents of Moroccan child Rayan who passed away after falling into the well. To God belongs what He has given and to Him belongs what He has taken. We lived painful moments, moment by moment, in this humanitarian tragedy. We belong to God and to Him we return."

Al-Hazm Club also expressed their condolences to Rayan's family in a tweet saying: "To God we belong and to Him we return. May God have mercy on child Rayan and grant his family patience and solace."

Finally, Al-Faisaly Club shared a picture of child Rayan, commenting on their Twitter account: "We extend our condolences to the family of child Rayan and to the dear Moroccan people."

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