
New Details on the Incident of a Saudi Citizen Killed by Dog Attack in New Mexico

New Details on the Incident of a Saudi Citizen Killed by Dog Attack in New Mexico

Following the death of Saudi citizen Saad bin Ayash Al-Anzi in New Mexico due to an attack by two dogs living at a neighbor's house, the owner of the dogs has come forward with new details. According to ABC News, Maria Kelly, the owner of the dogs, stated on Thursday that she was outside her home at the time of the attack and did not expect this to happen as her dogs were inside the house and tied up.

Kelly expressed her sadness over the incident, describing Al-Anzi as "a man of good morals." The American news channel also revealed details about the death of the 56-year-old Al-Anzi, which occurred last week due to injuries sustained from the dog attack in Dona Ana County, New Mexico. ABC News reported, citing a report from the county clerk's office, that "Saad Al-Anzi was assaulted by the two dogs while standing outside his home." A police officer who responded to the scene noted that Al-Anzi suffered several deep wounds to his legs and that his clothes were stained with blood.

The channel quoted Sophie Clark, a neighbor from across the street, who said she heard dogs barking and saw Al-Anzi on the ground in front of his home being attacked by two German Shepherd guard dogs. A neighbor confirmed to the police that he went to help Al-Anzi and was able to rescue him by striking one of the dogs on the head with his cane and securing the dogs on the other side of the gate, while Al-Anzi's wife called for emergency services.

According to the report, when paramedics arrived at the scene, they immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Al-Anzi before transporting him to the Mountain View Regional Medical Center. Dr. Benjamin Wilson indicated that Al-Anzi died due to significant blood loss from the attack.

It is noted that the victim's brother, Saud Al-Anzi, previously revealed that his brother was a resident of New Mexico and a father of two sons and a daughter, stating that the incident occurred in the street outside his home while he was walking when he was suddenly attacked by two German Shepherd dogs from a neighbor's house. He continued, "When the dogs attacked him in the street, he bled heavily due to a thigh tear, according to one of his neighbors, who struck one of the dogs with a cane and drove them away," adding that he was taken to the hospital and died there from the bleeding.

Al-Anzi's brother indicated that the American police took footage from the victim's home security cameras. He called on the Saudi embassy in the United States to monitor all details of the case and investigations and to appoint a lawyer to ensure that his brother's rights are not overlooked, affirming that Saad had good relations with all his neighbors and was respected and valued by everyone. The man was buried in a Muslim cemetery last Saturday after collaboration with the Islamic center and in the presence of several members of the Islamic community.

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