
UAE Among the Top 10 Worldwide in Energy and Infrastructure Competitiveness

UAE Among the Top 10 Worldwide in Energy and Infrastructure Competitiveness

The Federal Center for Competitiveness and Statistics revealed that the United Arab Emirates has ranked among the top 10 globally in 20 key indicators of world competitiveness related to the energy and infrastructure sector for the year 2021, according to reports from several major international institutions focused on global competitiveness.

**Electricity Indicators**

The UAE ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and globally in the "Electricity Access as a Percentage of the Population," "Reliability of Electricity Supply," and "Road and Highway System Satisfaction" according to the Legatum Institute. Additionally, the UAE ranked first in the Arab world and regionally, and second globally in the "Electricity Access for Households" according to the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum for 2021.

**Air Transportation and Cargo**

The UAE ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and third globally in the "Number of Days to Obtain Building Permits," and first in the Arab world and regionally, fourth globally in the "Available Seats per Kilometer on International Airline Flights," according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum. The UAE also ranked first in the Arab world and regionally, fourth globally in the "On-Time Delivery Accuracy of Shipments," and first in the Arab world and regionally, fifth globally in the "Competitive Pricing of Shipments to Countries Worldwide," according to the Logistics Performance Index from the World Bank.

**Air Transport Quality**

The UAE was ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and fifth globally in the "Quality of Air Transport" according to the Global Competitiveness Yearbook from the International Institute for Management Development. It also ranked first in the Arab world and regionally, seventh globally in the "Quality of Air Transport Infrastructure," according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum, and first in the Arab world and regionally, seventh globally in the "Efficiency of Air Transport Services," according to the Global Competitiveness Report issued by the World Economic Forum 2021.

**Road Quality**

According to the Competitiveness and Statistics report, the UAE ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and seventh globally in the "Quality of Roads," according to the "Well-being Index" by the Legatum Institute, and the "Quality of Road Infrastructure," according to the Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum.

**Transport and Ports**

It also ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and seventh globally in the "Public Transport Satisfaction" according to the Sustainable Development Goals Index report from the Bertelsmann Foundation. The UAE ranked first in the Arab world and regionally, ninth globally in the "Quality of Port Infrastructure," according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum. The UAE led in the Arab world and regionally, ranking eighth globally in the "Energy Infrastructure Index," according to the Global Competitiveness Yearbook from the International Institute for Management Development. It also ranked first in the Arab world and regionally, and ninth globally in the "Infrastructure for the Distribution of Goods and Services," according to the same report. Furthermore, the UAE topped the Arab world and regionally, ranking tenth globally in the "Quality of Trade and Transport Infrastructure," according to the Logistics Performance Index from the World Bank.

**Water Quality Satisfaction**

The UAE ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and tenth globally in the "Water Quality Satisfaction Index" according to the Well-being Index from the Legatum Institute. The country also ranked first in the Arab world, regionally, and tenth globally in the "Logistics Performance Index and the Quality of Trade and Transport Infrastructure," according to the Sustainable Development Goals Index report.

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