
Video: Mohamed Ramadan Provokes His Audience by Brushing His Teeth with Gold

Video: Mohamed Ramadan Provokes His Audience by Brushing His Teeth with Gold

Egyptian artist Mohamed Ramadan has stirred controversy again after posting a video on his Instagram account showcasing him brushing his teeth with gold toothpaste, which angered his followers. He commented on the video saying, "Good morning gold, my toothpaste is 24 karat." In the video, he appeared shirtless, brushing his teeth to the tune of his song "Mutawaddaa." His actions provoked irritation among his followers for flaunting his extreme wealth, but he did not respond to negative comments, particularly those labeling him as arrogant and boastful about his possessions. This came just days after he shared a series of photos while on a private jet, reminiscing about the first time he traveled by plane, stating that he had flown economy class then, and the best part of those trips was seeing people from different countries on board. It is noted that "Number One" does not cease to create controversy, whether through his artistic appearances or in discussing his personal life and boasting about his assets, including airplanes, cars, and money.

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