
Shocking Surprise in the Story of the Mint Seller After the Confrontation with "Her Father"

Shocking Surprise in the Story of the Mint Seller After the Confrontation with

In a shocking new twist in the case of the mint seller, which captivated the Egyptians due to her tragic situation and her elegance that caught the attention of social media for days, a confrontation organized by a charitable foundation revealed that she is not actually the daughter of the man who claimed to be her father. This man had stated that she had been missing for two years and that he was searching for her, even offering a reward of 150,000 Egyptian pounds for anyone who could help find her. He claimed her real name was Ni'ma, stating that he had been trying to provide her with a decent life, but she left home and reported her disappearance to the police, alleging that she struggles with a mental illness. However, the host who interviewed the woman stated that the man was not her father.

Who is the Mint Seller?

A video featuring a woman with her baby went viral, in which she said: "I sell mint to support myself and my son. My husband left me when I was pregnant and I returned to my hometown." When asked by the interviewer if her income from selling mint was sufficient for her expenses, she explained that her baby consumes formula milk that requires a can every two days, adding that her father has remarried and lives with his family without inquiring about her, and her mother is also remarried and living with her husband.

The woman further mentioned that she couldn’t divorce her husband because the lawyer's fees are high and she lacks the money. When asked about her needs, she replied: “I want a job because I don’t want to suffer on the street anymore, and a flat or even a room to stay with my son.” The young host then handed her an envelope containing money.

Reactions from Social Media Users

The hashtag supporting the mint seller dominated all social media platforms. One Twitter user stated: “The easiest thing when life becomes tough is that many people sell themselves, but she chose a completely different path to continue her life with dignity. She deserves all the support to ensure her voice is heard.” Another user lamented: “A beautiful girl, unfortunately, her circumstances are dire, from a broken family, and married to a man lacking masculinity. I hope President Sisi pays attention to her, helps her, and that she finds a job and a home to protect her from the hardships of the street.”

Ministry of Social Solidarity

A source from the Ministry of Social Solidarity indicated that the ministry has not yet taken action but is certain to assist and support this woman, as they have previously supported similar cases and extended their help consistently.

New Statements from Manar, the Mint Seller

Manar stated, “I was beaten several times by my husband, and he hit me while I was pregnant, so I couldn't stay with him anymore and left. My husband called me after he saw the video, asking me what I was doing, then hung up on me.” She continued: “When he called me, I didn’t expect the video to reach him, and he hung up without saying anything useful. I was waiting for him to at least ask about our child and see him.” Manar added, “I want to divorce him, but I didn’t have the means to sue him, even though he provided for me, but I left him because he always beat me.”

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