The Mint Lady Captivates Egyptians

A video of an Egyptian woman cradling her baby has recently gone viral on social media. In the footage, she is seen sitting on a sidewalk selling fresh mint, her only source of income. Social media users have launched the hashtag #MintLady, which has gained widespread attention and even trended on Twitter.

In the circulated video, the "Mint Lady" mentions that her husband abandoned her during her pregnancy, leaving her solely responsible for her child. She says that the street has become her only refuge to earn money for a tin of milk for her son. She also added that she has not received support from her family, particularly since her parents are divorced, and she is unable to file for divorce from her husband due to litigation costs.

While she garnered sympathy from Egyptian Twitter users, who praised her strength and perseverance in challenging circumstances without resorting to wrongdoing, many also complimented her stylish appearance.

A Surprise from Her Father

A surprising development came from her father, Nasser Shahta Gomaa Kheitri, a resident of Fayoum. He confirmed that she left home for unclear reasons on June 6, 2020, during the lockdown imposed due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. He stated that he reported her disappearance to the Fayoum police and has been searching through towns and villages for her ever since, to no avail. He even mentioned offering a financial reward of 150,000 Egyptian pounds to anyone who finds her and returns her or informs him of her whereabouts, according to a local newspaper, "Al-Watan."

He also pointed out that his daughter excelled in her studies at the nursing institute, but she was suffering from a mental illness, denying her claims about separating from her mother.

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