
Putin Announces Recognition of Independence for Lugansk and Donetsk Republics from Ukraine

Putin Announces Recognition of Independence for Lugansk and Donetsk Republics from Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Monday evening the recognition of the independence of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics from Ukraine. Putin appeared on Russian television signing a decree to recognize the two separatist Ukrainian regions and welcomed their leaders.

Putin stated that he would "turn the tables" on Ukraine, mentioning that European countries consider Ukraine to be a "puppet" manipulated by them, while affirming that he would not allow Ukraine to be a source of threat to Russia. In a speech to the nation, Putin accused the United States of spending one million dollars a day in Ukraine to support coups, deeming that the West controls the armed forces in Ukraine.

He noted that NATO had promised not to expand into Eastern Europe, pointing out that Ukraine's accession to NATO threatens Russian national security. Putin mentioned the historical ties between Russia and Ukraine, adding that the former Soviet Union liberated Ukraine and gifted it some territories, which he considered as gifts to Ukraine.

In his speech, Putin stated that the Bolshevik Revolution created Ukraine in its current form, emphasizing that Crimea is Russian, not Ukrainian, and that Donbass was previously under Russian sovereignty rather than Ukraine's. He highlighted that the situation in Donbass has become very complicated.

The Kremlin had announced on Monday evening that President Putin would recognize the independence of the two separatist regions in Ukraine. Earlier, on Monday, Putin had stated that he would decide whether Russia would recognize the independence of these regions, a decision that could potentially end the diplomatic efforts aimed at resolving the conflict. He told members of the Russian National Security Council, "I have heard your opinions; a decision will be made today."

Putin accused the Ukrainian authorities of violating the Minsk agreements by conducting military operations against the separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, indicating that "there are no prospects for a peace process regarding the conflict in Ukraine." During an extraordinary session of the Russian Security Council, he confirmed he was considering a request from separatists in Donetsk and Lugansk to recognize them as independent republics, stressing that using Ukraine as a tool to confront Russia poses a significant and serious threat.

President Putin stated that there are many threats surrounding Russia, reinforcing that Ukraine's acceptance into NATO is a threat to Russia while insisting that Moscow seeks a peaceful resolution to the dispute over Ukraine. He added, "We want a clear written response to our security demands," stating that Ukraine does not want to adhere to the Minsk Agreement.

Putin remarked that he had told Americans to freeze the decision on Ukraine's NATO membership and indicated that the Americans acknowledged that Ukraine was not ready to join NATO. He mentioned that French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed Ukraine's willingness to implement the terms of the Minsk Agreement, noting a "contradiction in Ukraine's positions and actions."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that NATO insisted on keeping its doors open for the membership of countries like Ukraine, stressing that it is unacceptable for any country to build its security at the expense of others. Lavrov confirmed that the West showed no seriousness regarding Russia's security demands, underscoring, "the West ignores Russia's security concerns."

The Russian Foreign Minister stated that "the ball is in Washington's court concerning the Ukrainian crisis," suggesting that "any announcement of a non-accession of Ukraine to NATO would de-escalate tensions." He also announced an upcoming meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Geneva next Thursday.

For his part, Kremlin Deputy Chief of Staff Dmitry Kozak stated that the living conditions in eastern Ukraine are tragic. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu confirmed that "most citizens in Donetsk and Lugansk have been forced to leave." Shoigu also accused Ukraine of shelling along the front line in Donbass, asserting that "Ukraine is using heavy weapons and military equipment in Donbass."

Shoigu noted that Ukrainian President Zelensky expressed his desire for Ukraine to be a nuclear state, stating that "Ukraine has a uranium enrichment capability greater than North Korea and Iran." The Russian Defense Minister confirmed that "the situation in Donbass is extremely tense, and we are prepared for military or diplomatic options," concluding by saying, "We take the Ukrainian president's threat of returning to nuclear weapons seriously."

It is worth noting that the eight-year ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces has been accompanied by a fierce information warfare battle between Moscow and Kyiv, each trying to implicate the other in serious crimes. The magnitude and scope of this battle have reached unprecedented levels as Russian troops gather at the Ukrainian border, while the West warns of an imminent invasion, increasing fears that the Kremlin may deploy a fabricated attack as a pretext to execute its feared invasion.

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