
Herbs for Healthy Sleep and Strong Immunity

Herbs for Healthy Sleep and Strong Immunity

Good sleep and strong immunity go hand in hand on the path to good health. Giving the body the right rest and recovery is essential, as every time we sleep, T cells—key players in the immune response—successfully fight invading harmful viruses and bacteria. On the other hand, there are many things that can be done to support a strong immune system, such as exercising and reducing stress, which can also help achieve a good night's sleep.

According to a report published on Mind Your Body Green, it makes sense to use a number of natural herbs to support immunity and enhance good sleep, and vice versa. Experts recommend three natural herbs that provide proven benefits to prepare the human body for fighting infections and for getting rest when needed:

1. **Elderberry**

Humans have used elderberry to support the immune system for centuries. Professor Sima Boni, founder and medical director of the Center for Anti-Aging and Longevity, states: "Elderberry contains anthocyanins, which are antioxidants. These antioxidants help maintain the strength and resilience of the immune system and are also believed to have antiviral properties." Herbalist Rachel Rubinette adds that elderberry has long been referred to as "the flower of the elderly," considered safe to eat raw and widely used as a traditional herbal strategy. It has also gained popularity in immune support remedies for children. Professor Boni explains that elderberry is currently being incorporated into several dietary supplements that assist in deep sleep due to its ability to support rest and recovery.

2. **Lavender**

The scent of lavender is often associated with calm and relaxation. Compared to other essential oils used in aromatherapy, there is scientific research demonstrating the benefits of inhaling lavender in promoting sleep and reducing stress. A 2015 trial found that incorporating lavender scent into a healthy sleep routine improves overall sleep quality. In a meta-analysis of 34 studies investigating how different scents affect relaxation and sleep quality, lavender was found to be the most effective in improving both the quantity and quality of sleep. Lavender oil plays a significant role in enhancing natural immune function, according to a 2017 study involving pregnant women who received lavender aromatherapy massage. The results showed that lavender massage led to reduced cortisol stress hormone levels and increased IgA protein levels, an antibody in the blood that protects the body from the risk of germs, microbes, and viruses. Lavender oil can also be taken orally in dietary supplements to soothe nerves and provide mood stability.

3. **Chamomile**

Professor Boni explains that chamomile has a long history of supporting muscle relaxation and sleep due to its calming effects. Chamomile is known to soothe the nervous system and alleviate the stress and anxiety that cause disruptive insomnia. Thanks to its antioxidants, chamomile also helps support immunity and overall health. Herbal expert Kami McBride states, "Chamomile is soothing and relaxing and is one of the best types of tea to enjoy after dinner to help unwind at the end of the day."

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